Joss actually apologized to Seoul for fucking everything up while he filmed
I had no idea that Avengers 2 filmed in Seoul! I mean, I haven't lived there for 25 years so I probably wouldn't recognize major monuments they destroy, but I am psyched all the same!
Apparently it really screwed with traffic for a while.
When the last Batman flick filmed in Pittsburgh, they blocked off one of the major arteries in a very busy section of the city for several days. The novelty of "woo-hoo Batman!!" wore off *really fast*, I'll tell you that.
So, who -- other than Epic -- is going to see CA2 tonight?
Yo, I saw it at 8pm last night. I am loving this trend of earlier showings now that I'm getting older. Staying up for the midnight premiere of The Avengers was harsh.
I might have to see it again this weekend.
I might have to see it again this weekend.
I think I have too many movies on my Still Want to See list to try again for this weekend, but definitely would like to see it again.
I don't remember seeing much chat here about Monuments Men when it opened - did anyone see it and was it as much of a mess as critics would have me believe? I thought it looked good, and if I want to catch it while it's still in theaters, I need to hop to, since our only second run theater got closed.
I enjoyed it. It's a very old-fashioned move, but fun to watch.
Movie shoots fuck up traffic unless they're night-for-day shoots at 4am. I actually had my car towed by The Good Wife once when I hadn't noticed the "we will be shooting in your neighborhood tomorrow please move your car" signs. They just towed me to another block where they left me parked illegally.
When they shot
Doctor Who - The Talons of Weng Chiang,
they had to find a London street that still looked Victorian-era for a night shoot. They found one, and then had to ensure no one parked their car there. They let all the residents know and put up signs warning people not to park.
When they turned up for the shot, they discovered that there was a residents' car slap bang in the middle of the shot - and its owners had gone on vacation for the weekend. Doctor Who didn't have a massive budget, so the shoot had to go ahead. Cue frantic discussion by the set people, trying to work out how to get a five-door hatchback to blend into Victorian London.
Thus it was that when the episode aired, the entire car was buried beneath a massive pile of manure.
‘Captain America’ Opens Massively with $10.2 Million at Latenight U.S. Shows.
The figure came in well above comparable Thursday night figures for similar tentpoles, such as $9 million for “Man of Steel,” $8.8 million for “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” $7.1 million for ‘Thor: The Dark World” and $4.9 million for “Divergent.”