Not absolutely required, but there were a couple things that called back to this week's ep.
Ooh, cool.
I stay through the whole credits at pretty much everything anymore
Me, too. Just in case.
Even before post-credits scenes became A Thing, I've been a credits watcher. I don't do it with DVDs, though. I only caught the
Monsters University
scene by accident since I left the credits running while I did the dishes.
Didn't Ferris Bueller even have a post-credit scene? Where he peers out and says "Why are you people still here?"
Yep. A classic! I wonder if there has been some sort of article about the history and evolution of post-credits scenes. Hec! Find me something!
It did. We always stay. I think it's slightly more common in L.A., where people you might know are going to be in those credits--or at least people who do the same job as someone you might know. So, it's a respect thing.
Didn't Ferris Bueller even have a post-credit scene? Where he peers out and says "Why are you people still here?"
I want to say that's where the post-credits scene gained traction (but I honestly don't know; I just remember it as being something that other movies didn't really do). And the reason people stayed through the credits to even see the post-credits scene in Ferris Beuller is because the credits were a split scene with an ongoing scene on the school bus, so people stuck around and watched.
I think it's slightly more common in L.A., where people you might know are going to be in those credits--or at least people who do the same job as someone you might know. So, it's a respect thing.
Because we stay for the credits, when we saw the recent True Grit, Tim noticed "Honey Wagon" in the credits (the job title, not a person's name). He looked it up and thought it was the best thing ever, and so he always looks for it in credits now, even for movies that were not shot on location in the damn frontier. It makes me laugh.
Whereas I (and I know I've said this before) now expect Nick Fury to be in every movie's post-credit sequence EVER. Veronica Mars? Nick Fury. Judd Apatow dudebro movies? Nick Fury. Animated movies? You damn bet we need an animated Nick Fury.
Speaking of credits, apparently a great deal of CA:WS was filmed in Ohio. Who knew?
A chunk of Avengers was filmed in Cleveland, too. (To answer your question: this Ohioan knew!)
I went for drinks the other day with two women from Cleveland. They were very aware, and cranky about, the movie being filmed there. Apparently it really screwed with traffic for a while.
Apparently it really screwed with traffic for a while.
I heard about that. I'm always amazed at how movies/television shows can film in any urban location without snarling everything up. Or maybe they do snarl everything up, but the production is good for the local economy, so they deal?
Joss actually apologized to Seoul for fucking everything up while he filmed.