Movie Review: Year One.
Pretty much exactly what you see in the trailers. Cera and Black do play off each other pretty well. Michael Cera is not only ubiquitous but he's also growing up tall and handsome. He's considerably taller than David Cross now which is hard for this Arrested Development fan to grasp.
It reminded me of really old comedies like Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein and the Three Stooges Meet Hercules, more than History of the World or Life of Brian.
It reminded me of really old comedies like Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein and the Three Stooges Meet Hercules, more than History of the World or Life of Brian.
::scratches Year One off list
It reminded me of really old comedies like Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein and the Three Stooges Meet Hercules, more than History of the World or Life of Brian.
::moves Year One a little higher up the to see list.::
::that's not saying much:::
Are you going to shave your eyebrows and hairline for this?
While that would be the ultimate in commitment, a good white make-up could accomplish it as well. I want to go as her for Con this year.
Here's a movie for those of us who thought
Independence Day
could have been more awesome if it had more scenes like the White House being destroyed....
As I've stated before, the reason Independence Day worked so completely for me is that I recognized it for what it was instantly: Irwin Allen's V. But now Roland Emmerich has taken pretty much disaster movie cliche and packed it into a single film. The trailer is so ludicrous that it feels more like Disaster Movie than a serious release. Ken went so far as to rename the film And the Kitchen Sink.
Which is quite accurate. Check it out.
That's right, you saw right: the Sistine Chapel ceiling split, the Jesus in Rio has its arms fall off and Emmerich actually uses a ginormous wave to fling the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy at the White House. But honestly, when your money shot for ID4 was a giant flying saucer taking out the White House, then you've got to one-up yourself somehow.
Still, it feels so goofy that it just has to be seen on the big screen. We shall see.
2012's Ridiculous Trailer
It looks ridiculous and AWESOME.
Yeah, but it's not as cool as a gigantic, enraged Stay Puft Marshmallow man on a rampage through downtown Manhattan.
I would like to see Montreal wiped up by a horde of enormous dachsund puppies.
Every time I think Roland Emmerich has shown me the
he one ups himself.
You've got to admit, the man has a talent.
Not a good talent, but A talent, all the same.
I've probably told this story before, but I saw
Independence Day
in the theater in Malaysia, where they censor films. The movie I saw did not have a scene of the White House blowing up. Or much of anything blowing up - there were a couple scenes of people running in streets screaming.
So if you can imagine that movie making less sense, being less fun to watch, and generally seeming to have no reason for existence, you'll understand why I never bothered to find the DVD.