I also wasn't sure whether the director was trying to make it funny or not. There were several moments that I thought were comedy, either Coen-brothers-dark humor or born-loser humor (and the cat scene! OMG hysterical!).
Yeah! Our audience was laughing at things, but I wasn't sure they were intended to be funny.
The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford
last night. I really liked it, although it's very slowly paced. The setting an acting is real and gritty, but the dialogue is very poetic, and the cinematography is breathtakingly beautiful. It somehow coalesced for me into a powerful experience, althoughj I could certainly see that it's not for everyone. Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck were both really impressive.
Hayden, you see it?
We rewatched that not too long ago, Scrappy. DH and I both really like it. It can drag a bit but Pitt and Afleck were both fascinating in it.
And I never get tired of Sam Rockwell.
I was ruined for that movie -- along with
The Long Riders
-- by watching a documentary about the real Jesse James.
I just finished
I had no idea what was going on, but I think it was good?
I do have two questions: Was the intimation that Oskar's father was gay, or was it that his friend was raping Oskar? I think it's the latter, but I'm interested in what other people think.
The impression I got was the former, and that some of Oskar's disassociation was due to his little bit of family time with his dad being hijacked by an outsider. I haven't read the source material, though.
I got the same vibe as Matt.
The book - as I understand it - is very disturbing and has a lot of references to pedophilia, but I don't think it had to do with Oskar.
I agree with Matt's take.
Caught the end Queen of the Damned waiting for True Blood to start, and the blonde vamp withe the curly hair has me stumped as to where I know him from. I swear I looked him up years ago and was surprised to find out who he was, but looking again none of the names on IMDB are standing out.
The guy who played Armand?
I never really recognized him, but I may have been distracted by the movie hiring Claudia Black and then doing absolutely nothing with her.