yep. That's Happy Feet.
My 4yo won't even watch it. He tried once, and keeps telling me how bad it is.
We're going to attempt
with the actual child, although we are both concerned that we will love it and want to watch it, and he'll want to know where the Jedi are and when the shooting starts.
I found
Happy Feet
to be just about the most depressing movie I had ever seen.
Oh man, Happy Feet. When my daughter was 14 or 15, she had to have a baby tooth pulled and before we went in, she insisted that I buy (!!) it so she could watch it when we got home from the oral surgeon because she'd never seen it and it had so much "buzz". The day after, she asked me if she hallucinated or was it that bad? I had to break it to her that no it wasn't the drugs, the movie was indeed that awful.
Ha ha ha. I just took a look at the Rotten Tomatoes page (74%!), and there are all these reviews praising it to high heaven (one called it the greatest motion picture of all time), and I'm wondering what movie they saw.
I haven't seen Happy Feet, but shrift hates it so much, I was never tempted to try.
As shrift goes, so goes your nation?
Pretty much. Plus, she really, really hated it.
For a while, I thought it was just me. I couldn't understand why everyone loved it so much. Also, I hated the English Patient and The Accidental Tourist and both of those won Oscars, so I thought my movie-mojo was whack. But no, Happy Feet is just horrible.
Dawn, I was JUST thinking about you today! Nothing specific, just a general "person form who I don't get to read enough" way.
You're not whack, Dawn. The English Patient is, like, the biggest spinach movie ever that didn't involve Spielberg being pious about world war 2.