Xpost: That's the only Chandler-penned screenplay out there, too. Usually other writers adapted his work for the movies.
He also had a hand in Strangers on a Train, though I've heard his credit counts for more than what eventually ended up in the final film.
Great link, Tom. The Alan Moore clip was really interesting -- I had never seen him interviewed.
Doctor Who feature film in the works.
The Blue Dahlia's going to be on TCM in the next two weeks. For your consideration, here's my final Set Your DVR! column for the Screengrab, which is shuttering its doors at the end of the week: [link]
According to the McQuarrie production paintings package I got 'way back in the '70s, Luke was supposed to be a girl. There's a scene of somebody with R2 and Threepio looking out over Mos Eisely, and that somebody has tits.
In re: The Doctor Who article sumi linked...I'm
beginning to worry about DT's conviction, or lack thereof. If he holds onto the role after so thoroughly releasing it, I'm worried for the franchise.
Muddy water, and all that.
There are no words, besides perhaps "lucky crack pipe": [link]
Corwood, you have not made my day, buddy.
My first thought was, oh, the hell, no. And then, Werner Herzog?
Someone needs to take his lucky crack pipe away. Usually I might think that someone who made such a movie should see something like Aguirre, Wrath Of God to get some perspective, but that won't work in this case.
Um, wow, Corwood. Just wow.
Although I still say David Gordon Green doing the SUSPIRIA remake is even more crack-addled, if it comes to pass.
What is with the trend of remaking not-that-old, auteur-heavy fims, lately? I've been seeing rumours about a VIDEODROME remake which may be the most mind-boggling, conceptually.