Regarding, Scotty,
I think we're supposed to assume that he has the seniority necessary to head up Engineering, and that the trans-warp beaming trick earned him enough brownie points to get him un-exiled.
I figured it was a bit of that and a bit of
"Get me off of the ice lanet and I'll share this nifty, life-saving equation for trans-warp beaming with all the other engineers. Which I could totally forget otherwise, because this whole thing was terribly traumatic, dontcha know. I hear the Enterprise needs staff and the new CO there finds me amusing or at least useful.
Or something like that.
Every time someone doesn't use the spoiler tag or span class God kills a puppy.
Went to see it again, and the
is growing on me.
Want moar now!
I thought back on Star Trek today and I am more in love with it now that I have had a day to percolate. This may be the first movie that I will have seen more than once in a first run theatre in a decade. Maybe two.
Every time someone doesn't use the spoiler tag or span class God kills a puppy.
Perhaps this should go into the how-to page instead of
"Here are some of the HTML codes you can use: . . . <font color="white">SPOILER HERE</font>
Ironically, that example uses the spoiler class and not the HTML shown. We updated the HTML link above the posting box fully, but only halfway on the How To.
meara, Trek has never had more than a nodding acquaintance with real world physics. Which is not to nullify your last nitpick, just to point out that that particular nitpick can be said of pretty much any instance of Trek ever.
In non-Trek news, Seriously?!?!
Simon Baker, star of the hit series "The Mentalist," is playing an attorney on the trail of a murderer in "The Killer Inside Me," Michael Winterbottom's adaptation of the Jim Thompson noir classic that stars Casey Affleck.
The story centers on a West Texas sheriff (Affleck) and his downward spiral from bored small-town cop to ruthless, sociopathic murderer. The cast includes Jessica Alba as a prostitute and Kate Hudson as the sheriff's schoolteacher girlfriend.
Affleck, maybe, but Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson??
If anyone could make that cast work, it's Michael Winterbottom. But if anyone could screw up a movie trying to do something impressive with a cast like that, it's also Michael Winterbottom.
This preview looks like the worst movie ever that I want to see: Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus!