I thought the second half was a little better since it was more linear and focused. But as for the movie as a whole, I think I agree with Corwood.
This was my first Oliver Stone movie. They're not all like this, are they? I at least want to see
That's supposed to be good, right?
For me,
was like being hit over the head with anvil of Good! and Evil! repeatedly.
Oliver Stone is completely not subtle. Ever.
Do you think he thinks like that, or does he think we're all that stupid?
Why is he such an acclaimed filmmaker, then?
Why is he such an acclaimed filmmaker, then?
Talk Radio is a really good movie. He had a string of pretty solid movies that sold well to mainstream America. Like most directors, his personal weirdosities and axes to grind got the better of his output at some point.
Salvador, with James Woods, is also pretty good early Stone.
I am currently watching 300 (finally). This is really just about the most ridiculous movie ever. I'm so over both Frank Miller (happened kind of a while ago) and Zach Snyder (only took one half of one of his movies).
Also over movies that are frame by frame recreations of specific graphic novels.
That's true, I did like that one.
And some people, I would guess, like big sweeping gestures and really obvious Good And Evil.
Okay, looking at Snyder's IMDB page, I did kind of like Dawn of the Dead, but I swear I'm also over able-to-finish-a-project being the only necessary qualification for directors.
For me, Platoon was like being hit over the head with anvil of Good! and Evil! repeatedly.
I don't know if Platoon was the first use of it, but I'm over Adagio for Strings. I seem to be over things today.
Stone is hardly a universally acclaimed director. He's had his detractors from pretty early on in his career.
Edit: [link]