Anything with Meg Ryan in it is grounds for being immediately elsewhere. Also anything with a brave Southern woman facing the trial of fate and the elements while she jus' keeps workin' on to feed the chil'ren 'n git the crop in, God save us.
Lord, I could feel the bile rising just typing that. I need to see something where people blow things up. Or maybe the original
In Laws,
to see if the Serpentine scene is still asthma-inducingly funny.
edit: Or the dance scenes from
The Mask
my Most Hated Movie may be The Thin Red Line.
Ack. A good 45 minutes could have been trimmed from that movie just by cutting down the scenes where Jim Caviezel stares into the distance with his intense eyefucky gaze.
It is one of the few movies where I have actually thought, "I want those X hours of my life back." The other movie that comes to mind is
I don't remember whether I wanted my time back, but I definitely felt like asking for my money back.
I'd like 40 minutes of Costner closeups back from Wyatt Earp. Other than that, everyone else in it was stellar, particularly Dennis Quaid. He's no huckleberry, but damn, that was a fine performance.
Doc's just a great role.
Last Action Hero
Bram Stoker's Dracula
I love
Last Action Hero
! Granted, I have not seen it since I was twelve, but still.
Used to love Dead Poets, now the almost-end just pisses me off. Suicide? That was the only way out? How melodramatic. Run away and join the circus, f***wad.
Bwah!! I didn't feel tha way until I saw DPS again about a year ago.
I love Moulin Rouge with a huge, rhinestone-covered, ruffly love. It's so BIG AND BOMBASTIC! And very pretty!
A full 72.3% of the awful was Gwyneth Paltrow, though.
It's so much more watchable if you view it in light of the review that posited her reporter character was a saboteur trying to undermine the heroes' efforts at every turn.
I don't know if I can list Out Cold as my low water mark for movies or not, as I only watched it until the opening credits started and then walked out. But consider that I've watched Uwe Boll movies, Daredevil, and Stigmata all the way to the end and that was the movie that made me throw up my hands and cry uncle...
Also, I like Memento, NBK (it's not supposed to be deep), and Moulin Rouge (it's not supposed to be deep. Dude, haven't you studied "the finish fetish"? Shiny surfaces.)
Heh, again, for the most part, Hec and I are one. MR was...too ADD for me. You couldn't SEE any of the set design - it was chopped to shreds in Lurmann's editing cuisinart.
Dune...Bram Stoker's Dracula
Neither of these are remotely GOOD movies, and yet I love them for their varied excesses.
Mine is Eye of the Beholder. God, not even Ewan McGregor could save that dreck.
Again, not even REMOTELY a good movie, but so determinedly weird, I enjoyed the hell out of it. See also (Ewan division), Nightwatch.