So far, she's cried at injustice and then cried because she was ashamed of herself for not bearing injustice as well as Jesus did.
I don't think it's a spoiler to say that there will be a lot more crying. I read it because it's an important piece of 19th century popular culture, but I can't say I enjoyed it. I think I sprained my eyes from too much rolling. It's a pretty sharp contrast to
Little Women,
published at about the same time as the first of the many Elsie books.
Ok, he can asked stupid questions, he can even be stupid, but when you officemate starts being Judgey McJudgerson -- he's way past the line. He's asked for tolerance from you ( by asking personal religious questions) so he has to give it.
I hope it's the hokey pokey.
Anybody else now earwormed with "you put your right boob in, you put your right boob out..."? I may need to throw things at you, billytea.
Hil, in your shoes, I would probably spend the next several months making the most outrageous conversation possible using Victorian euphemisms such as "nether limbs" and "unmentionables" as possible. It would, of course, not help in the least bit, but I could probably obfuscate enough to make the guy's head spin faster than it already is.
I may need to throw things at you, billytea.
Dopn't forget to allow for the Coriolis effect. I'd hate to see you hit New Zealand instead.
If you really know what you're looking at, and exactly when to look, you can even tell that's Aims all out of focus behind Rob Low and Bradley Whitford.
When was this? In the bar scene with Eric Balfour?
Dopn't forget to allow for the Coriolis effect. I'd hate to see you hit New Zealand instead.
I just spent 5 minutes watching the animation on the Wikipedia's page on Coriolis Effect. It made me really want to throw things. And who cares about New Zealand. What's a few small thermodetonators between friends?
I don't particulary care for babies but I will defend to the death (of Hil's officemate) your right to speak of them and reproductive rights in the same sentence.
Does Elsie spend this entire book crying? Why is anyone supposed to like this character? I could understand if she were crying over big tragedies. But she's crying over every single little thing that goes wrong, and then, each time, crying because she wasn't enough like Jesus in patiently bearing the things going wrong.
I haven't read it... it doesn't sound like fun.
Hivemind, halp! Wtf have I got stuck in my head? It's a snippet of a song and I can't figure out where I got it from.
his name is Ira Needleman
He's an oral surgeon
Laga, sometimes I worry about you.