Why can't sweet sensible people end up with other sweet sensible people and the psychos date each other?
I know! It's like on Saturday when I saw a girl with a really tall guy. She was standing on the windowsill to be talking height. Okay,not so similar.
Why can't sweet sensible people end up with other sweet sensible people and the psychos date each other?
Because they're called drama *magnets* for a reason.
Ah, the sweet sweet lure of the crazy.
So. Rose is no longer my cat. Friday she started running from me as if I was going to hurt her (which I would never ever do) so I gave up and called the lady and she came today and took her back.
Treating thyroid issues often allows people to get pregnant who haven't been able to, Aims.
Ah, the sweet sweet lure of the crazy.
and the sex is usually pretty good, so its hard to leave.
Why can't sweet sensible people end up with other sweet sensible people and the psychos date each other?
Hey, it can happen. Aims and I ended up together...
...and somewhere out there, there are two sweet sensible people who may have found each other as well.
Holy cow: The Netherlands’ team ERA is 0.63.
there are two sweet sensible people who may have found each other as well.
Hubby and I say we married each other to spare two innocent souls the grief of living with us.
Why can't sweet sensible people end up with other sweet sensible people and the psychos date each other?
Every now and then, single male friends of mine will lament that they can't find nice, sane goth girls. "Like you, Jilli!" I then laugh and laugh at them, and explain that no, I'm not sane. It's just that Pete and I are well matched in crazycakes.