Why can't sweet sensible people end up with other sweet sensible people and the psychos date each other?
Every now and then, single male friends of mine will lament that they can't find nice, sane goth girls. "Like you, Jilli!" I then laugh and laugh at them, and explain that no, I'm not sane. It's just that Pete and I are well matched in crazycakes.
I'm not entirely certain y'all want these self-disparaging remarks to go up on COMM so I haven't posted 'em there. But my goodness, this convo is sweet and funny.
So. Based on one badly-written paragraph in a sixteen-page paper, a paragraph which I had specifically asked for help on because I knew that it wasn't really working the way that it should, my advisor told me that I need to put more effort into my writing.
Also, when he noticed my wrist in a brace, he told me which joints in his body were currently hurting.
Is your brace strong enough to hit someone over the head with?
Suzi, that is awesome! YAY!
Today is not a good day for me to talk about relationships and crazy people, so I won't. But, I feel your pain, Laga.
Hil, that's just. Wow. Can you get another adviser?
In kiddo news. Today was cooking day. I have not had a good day and thought some major chocolate was in order. So, we baked a giant double chocolate chocolate chip cookie. Then, we added chocolate frosting and sprinkles. It was heaven.
One of my fourth-grade girls was in an exercise class after school, so she missed baking. But, she asked me to save her one. So, I did. She took one look at them and said, "Oh, I can't have that. That's too many calories. I'm on a diet. I have to lose eight pounds by the end of April."
It broke my heart. She is NOT overweight, and the fact that her MD father is encouraging and supporting this diet breaks my heart even more.
OK, and another weird conversation today. Officemate and I were discussing Chris Brown and Rihanna. He said that we don't know the whole story, she might have done something to provoke him or hit him first. I said, even if she did, if someone hits you, then you're justified in using whatever force is necessary to get them to stop hitting you and get away, but you're not justified in just hitting back for the sake of hitting back. He disagreed. He says if someone wants to fight "like a man," then if they throw a punch, then they have to take one.
He also said that, if one person hits another as hard as he or she can, than the person who was hit is justified in hitting back as hard as he or she can, even if "as hard as he or she can" means a slight bruise for one person and broken bones for the other. That what should be equal in the "hit" and "hit back" isn't how much force is used but how much of the force that the person possibly can use is used.
I'm not entirely certain y'all want these self-disparaging remarks to go up on COMM so I haven't posted 'em there.
Why wouldn't I? Worse things I've said have been COMMed.
Plus, I'm an ego-whore.
Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.
He also said that, if one person hits another as hard as he or she can, than the person who was hit is justified in hitting back as hard as he or she can, even if "as hard as he or she can" means a slight bruise for one person and broken bones for the other. That what should be equal in the "hit" and "hit back" isn't how much force is used but how much of the force that the person possibly can use is used.
I can't even understand that logic. Of course none of this applies in the Brown/Rhianna case. He choked her, bit her and basically tried to kill her. But it is a real problem that quite often abuse is excused on grounds that "it was a fight that got out of hand." I know that can really happen, but the excuse is a heck of a lot more common than the reality.