So they call themselves freegans now, not dumpster divers? What? Like changing the name changes the ideology?
Back when I was growing up my parents had a friend who was a bitter, ex-hippie turned dumpster diver. For him it was a lifestyle choice based on frugality, lack of funds, and a failure to recognize the health benefits of "use by" dates. When he'd come over, he'd always bring a hostess gift for mom, usually something like a head of mungy iceberg lettuce, and my mom would thank him sweetly and then throw a look over her shoulder to one of her girls.
So they call themselves freegans now, not dumpster divers? What? Like changing the name changes the ideology?
I think they're trying to step off the consumerist grid.
For those who need a dose of Youtube-provided catness: [link] a Bengal cat playing in the bathtub.
I think they're trying to step off the consumerist grid.
Yah, it's this whole thing where they don't believe in being CONSUMERS, see. And that people who buy into the MYTH that we all have to be freakin' CAPITALISTS are WRONG, blah blah blah.
Bunch of damn trustafarians. Where do they think their dumpster diving finds and hitchhiked rides would come from if capitalism collapsed?
Is this one of us?
For once, the comments on the article are good. (at least the 3 that was there when I checked the link)
Does anyone know anything about how fertility is affected after thyroid issues have been resolved?
Had the student meeting. Very uneventful, in a watch from the hall way. He told that I acted like I expected him to be perfect. He told me that he had done the job to the best of his ability, and that he had no experience with "clerical work". I called his shit out, in a very nice way. Words like "failure of judgment", "extremely poor choices" and "quit before I fired you" were used.
He told that I acted like I expected him to be perfect
"I expect you to be able to ask a damn question if you don't know how to do something, rather that taking a fucking week to do it and just half-assing it, and then acting like I asked you to move heaven and earth to do something a reasonable competent eighth grader could've done..."
He claimed to be working as fast as he could. @@
You know, we need a name for that horrible feeling that you get when you go to take a sip of your coffee and you come to the devastating realization that the cup is