Poor Sarah! Amy, a friend's daughter's ruptured ear drum recently healed itself without surgery.
Oh, they all do. Well, 98% of the time or something. My eardrum ruptured twice as a kid, and I can hear fine!
Thanks for the good wishes, guys. She's actually the most charming little sick patient ever -- very snuggly and sort of content to sit and watch TV and color. Not at all whiny, which is a nice thing. The only bad day was the day the eardrum (we think) ruptured, because the pain beforehand was really intense, and she was just beside herself.
Heal ~ma for Sara. Poor baby.
Morning, All.
Heh, DH calls himself King of the castle when he wants the kids to laugh. He even does it in a big booming voice. Fun times.
t heart
Laura's DH.
Steph, I too love Sparky's suggestion. Just continual, "...and that's funny, why?..." Some thick heads might be penetrated - and you don't have to be "bitchy". I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I guess I should count myself lucky how rarely I get that kind of crap (at least to my face). I have hang-ups enough without getting it to my face, thankyewverymuch.
Aims - you do have a great deal on your plate, so not to be beating up if at all possible, please. It's funny because I just went back to school this month (National University, not UoP - I couldn't deal with Mandatory Group Meetings
) and I was talking about my schedule with a co-worker and she told me I'm lucky I'm not trying to do this with kids. And I thought about it and agreed that if I had kids right now, I would have had to wait until they were in college to go back myself. Which is all my long-winded way to say Go You! You're juggling a lot of things right now and doing a stellar job of it.
Poor Sara! Lots of healing~ and no-pain~ma for her.
sj, pretend he's actually being "clever" and "ironic" and therefore not "offensive"?
wow, a comedian and a plumber.
I would tend toward the simple -- Look - say , but that 's not funny and shrug -- the slightly superior attitude.
.Calling out a work peer is one thing, but calling out a superior is entirely different. Not morally, of course, but in terms of whether I want to keep my job.
Oof, well that changes the dynamic. I'm sorry you're in that situation. (and just to clarify, I may have sounded slightly more militant or unsympathetic before, I was rushing my post while trying to get a project out the door, so I apologize if I offended or annoyed, Tep.)
Love Sparky's suggestion. Also Sparky.
Sparky rules. And I agree with Nora that it is tough when it's a superior.
Honestly, Tep, I don't know what you could do except adopt Sparky's strategy.
If you protest directly (a) you'll be dismissed as the humorless office bitch; (b) you'll piss off your superior.
But if you stood there and said: "I don't get it. Why is that funny?" with an earnest look of thoughtful consideration as they explain the amusement value in fat you'd reframe the situation. Have them explain it a couple times and then just shrug and say, "I guess it's me. I just don't get it."
In short, disingenous biting irony is your only friend.
At the very least you'll feel smart and they'll look stupid.
Sparky suggestion rocks. Maybe end the continual questioning with something like "it's a shame we have to degrade one group of people to make ourselves feel superior and make a joke." or something like that.
Eh. Go with Sparky. She is far wiser than me.
Teppy, that's awful. I'm really sorry you're having to deal with it in the first place.
Hugs and health~ma to poor Sara, and I'm very glad that Stephanie has checked in and that things are okay-ish with Ellie.
Re: Wellbutrin
The thing that confuses me is that I was on the brand name for a year and a half without any problem--it's only been since I switched to generic and then back to brand that I've started having problems again. I keep hoping it's temporary.
The other thing about Wellbutrin is that I take it as much for my ADD as for depression, and it has been a wonder drug for me. You can ask ND, who lived with me a year pre-Wellbutrin, how profoundly it has helped me focus, especially at night, so I'm really reluctant to give it up.
I take a low dose (50mgs)of Zoloft every day with my (generic) Wellbutrin and it has done wonders for my anxiety.
I was on 50mg Zoloft for a couple of year, and while it took care of the depression and anxiety, it also made me go up three dress sizes that I have only now, after another two years, have finally taken back off. I also had a really awful (AWFUL) withdrawal when I tried to taper off of it that I would prefer to never go through again.
Now--as I have said to others in similar dilemmas--if it turns out that that is the price I need to pay to be healthy, I will do it. I'd just like to avoid it if possible.
Argh. It's just...panic attacks are so fucking debilitating, as too many of you know. I can't slip back into them. I just can't. I feel fine today, but I'm dreading tonight because it
happen again, and that's never a good sign.
Sorry to be all meMeME. Last night was really hard.