Kristin, Wellbutrin in general seems to make me agitated; whether that translates to full-blown panic attacks, I'm not sure. I know that I have had panic attacks on Wellbutrin, but I can't say if they're related. (Although I never ever had a panic attack on Zoloft.)
Wellbutin doesn't affect serotonin, which might be something that I need, so my doctor added back a v. low dose of Zoloft. We'll see what happens.
Maybe you could do that (or add in a v. low dose of a different SSRI)? Also, w/r/t the nausea, could you try reducing your Wellbutrin dose?
Kristin, Wellbutrin in general seems to make me agitated; whether that translates to full-blown panic attacks, I'm not sure. I know that I have had panic attacks on Wellbutrin, but I can't say if they're related. (Although I never ever had a panic attack on Zoloft.)
I'm actually going to ask to switch to a new anti-depressant because of something similar. The 'butrin has never made me have a panic attack, but it started making me incredibly irritable.
And before anyone points out that I am, in general, irritable all the time, yes I know. I mean CRAZY irritable, almost uncontrollably so. And I DON'T need an enhancer for super-cranky.
I have an appointment in April with a depression center. In the meantime, I've been doing okay with nothing.
You went off the Wellbutrin? Goddamn I need to pay more attention.
I quit everything.
I mean CRAZY irritable, almost uncontrollably so.
That's exactly what it does to me. I *think* the addition of Zoloft is helping, and my unscientific deduction is that I simply need a serotonin boost to make my neurochesmistry act right.
You went off the Wellbutrin?
Yeah, about six weeks ago.
Goddamn I need to pay more attention.
Well, babe, you're kinda busy, what with the full-time job, full-time school and full-time mom stuff.
I mean, you're three people without the benefit of being Dr. Manhattan.
Which is good, because the
giant blue schlong
would be off-putting.
Woke up to a snowplow scraping our street. I hadn't even realized we were due for snow last night. Geeesh. And this was after CJ had a nightmare and came into my room at 3:45 this morning. The boy will sleepwalk when he gets upset like that and it is almost impossible to calm him down and get him back to bed.
Gronk, gronk, gronkity, gronk.
Timilies all.
In all that I accomplished with my day off, getting the mail was the worst idea. It brought the furniture bill. I thought I'd knocked it down a chunk. Seems I *thought* about knocking it down a chunk. As a result, trike plans are postponed a few months.
Secondly, a hive question. Toothbrush. I have the Crest dual action battery toothbrush. I really like the spinny AND side-to-side action. But hate the inconsistency due to battery strength, and the "oh, I'm disposable, and don't feel like working this morning" aspect of it. I was wondering what toothbrushes is recomended. I am thinking rechargeable. Should travel fairly easy. And have dual action. What brands to look at, and run away from? Thanks!
Off to another long day. Seems they repositioned the projector, so now I get to edit all the slides in the show before rehearsal. Joy.
You know, I don't know if it's even worth it to say anything about this.
At work, our IT guy and a handful of people (NOT in my department) constantly pull pranks on each other (this doesn't occur in my department since we aren't even allowed to talk). The pranks the IT guy pulls, more often than not, involve photoshopping someone's head onto someone else's body, so T. becomes a gymnast, G. becomes a member of AC/DC, etc.
The IT guy is on vacation this week, so Big!Boss's daughter asked chatty!co-worker if he would help with a photoshop prank on IT guy.
Last week someone forwarded an e-mail around the office with the header of "Warning: Don't Eat Cadbury Chocolate!" It was a joke e-mail, of course, with the "joke" being that eating chocolate makes you fat. It was illustrated by a picture of 4 very overweight women in bikinis, with the punchline of "Cadbury chocolate makes your feet shrink!" (Get it? Because they're so fat that their feet look tiny in comparison, ha ha ha fucking ha.)
So the prank that Big!Boss's daughter asked Chatty to help pull involved photoshopping IT guy's head onto the bodies of the women in bikinis.
Yeah, that's fucking hilarious.
I should suggest that maybe we find a picure of some disabled people and black people, too, just to sweep the What, That's Not Offensive category.
PISSED. I'm the fattest person in the office, and all I can think is, do you all not REALIZE how much that hurts me? You think it's funny, and all I see is you saying that fat people are funny, that it's OKAY to make fun of them. And it's not.
And I know that if I say anything, even if I just say it to Big Boss's daughter -- who FUCKING WELL should know better -- I'm going to get told that "it's just a joke." I already have the reputation of being the office bitch, and this is going to cement my rep as being utterly humorless, too.
OTOH, if everyone already thinks I'm a bitch, it's not like they'd be surprised at my objection to mocking fat people.
Tell her you don't think its a very Christian thing to do?