...Huh. Well, we do cut it heavily with water. And the salt might neutralize the chemical reaction. We've never had a problem.
...but maybe we should rethink this...(don't want an earthshattering kaboom or anything).
ETA: Oooh, thanks for the link. (Johnny Five voice) Mooore in.put.
Of course my favorite use of white vinegar is dumping it down the drain after pouring in some baking soda. My own sinkbound giant alka-seltzer!
Apparently hydrogen peroxide and vinegar do kill 99% of all germs when used one on top of the other, but she does recommend separate sprayers.
Then again, if you've been gargling with it for years and don't have an ulcerated throat...
Yeah, the aeration might be part of the problem, though she does say "never combine in the same container."
Kids, listen to the person paid to advise, okay? My results are far from empirical.
And you can easily combine salt (soda) and peroxide; toothpastes and commercial mouthwashes do so. Apparently it's just vinegar and peroxide that don't play well with each other.
My kids swimming coach recommended 2 drops rubbing alcohol and 1 drop vinegar in each ear after each pool session to prevent swimmer's ear. Vinegar does have myriad usefulness.
lurches into thread, clutching a pot of tea
The codeine I took for my coughing last night didn't work very well. AND I had insomnia. I am on my third day of calling in sick. Please send chicken soup and laudanum.
{{{{{Jilli}}}}} I'm so sorry you're still feeling so lousy.
My kids swimming coach recommended 2 drops rubbing alcohol and 1 drop vinegar in each ear after each pool session to prevent swimmer's ear. Vinegar does have myriad usefulness.
Mom always put peroxide in our ears whenever we got out of the water.
I still do it sometimes when I feel water trapped in my ear.
I really need to stop buying gifts for my cousin's baby, especially considering he isn't going to be born for over two months.
I've been soaking my feet in non-distilled vinegar while I watch "Countdown" for weeks now...not walking makes them scaly.
So now when I buy salad dressing I feel turned on and very smart.
Just kidding.
For the moment...
My dad just sent me a link to an NYT article about Islamic Revolution Barbie. It is an interesting read.
Yeah... I was always freaking out the girls I played barbie with by making mine be detectives and reporters.
Because I was like "Playing shopping? Seriously?! Although it was fun to afford everything.