Hmm, I am going to try not to take offense at this. Perhaps I am reading the tone wrong.
Goodness, I'd think "jonesing for a wink" would establish the tone. Mostly I was impressed that the three posts in a row listed three different drugs. No Ambien monopoly here.
There is no "natural time." Time is a human construct. Before artificial light, people worked from dawn to dusk, so in a sense, they were always on daylight savings.
True, "time" is a construct of man. But I think mid-day should be when the sun is at it's zenith. Bad enough time zones averaged that out. But now DLST has pushed it an hour off mark.
Yes, please, Laga - stay safe. Sorry you have to deal with that pain in the behind.
I like the phrase "jonesing for a wink" because that is exactly how I feel.
My house is way too quiet. Joe is gone a lot but Ellie and have only not been together at night one other time. Speaking of Ellie, I'm sure sue would loveany littlecard/activity. She loves Dora and the Little Einsteins, but really, she likes almost anything. And thank you all for helping make the house seem a bit less empty. I've been a bit freaked out and can't make my brain leave "she would be dead in a pre-AB world".
D's home. We're getting ready to head back to the car. I want to tell him to stay in his car and let me change my own tire but I know that would be a waste of breath.
Well, my foray into the world of sleep aids didn't work too well. I'm wide awake and hurting again. And Lunesta's supposed to be like Ambien CR, but it's not for me, not when it hurts real bad.
I think this also proves that the resistance to pepperoni that I thought I had is non-existent. AND if I go to the ER tonight, there's no way I can drive to Watchmen at 3. I really shouldn't buy tickets ahead of time. Because if I don't go to the ER I don't think I'd be able to go anyway.
Such an idiot.
At least my body's weird 4 AM wake up call has become a 5 AM wake up call. I do usally fall back to sleep for at least a little while. I don't know how people who can't sleep at all manage to function.
My problem is that I wake up so sharply, never mind the pain. Somehow lying down keeps me agitated.
But with this migraine there is no sleep.
Meh. Limited, restless sleep last night and a follow-up mammogram this morning. Yay. Last night the cat decided to curl up right against my good ear and fell asleep, complete with surprisingly loud snores, within 10 seconds. It was cute for 5 minutes, and annoying thereafter. Luckily I'm 20 times bigger than he is, so moving was easy enough. Still, 10 seconds from madly pouncing on floor lint to deep sleep? I'm so, so jealous.
I slept like the dead. Didn't budge until my alarm went off at 6:45.
Mostly I was impressed that the three posts in a row listed three different drugs. No Ambien monopoly here.
We can hook you up, dude. I know a guy who knows somebody.