I'm going to assume Hec didn't intend offense, but yeah, chronic insomnia can really change your perspective on sleep meds.
I do not take sleeping pills (yet), but I do not judge. Insomnia sucks. If pills work for you, more power to you. So far, I work pretty ok on 4-5 hours of sleep. If I start getting less than that on a regular basis, I'll look for a script of my own.
Sleep tight my lovely bitches! Be pain free. In the mean time, dream of sweet sundials taking their pointy ends and bashing the heads of the idiots who want to stray from natural time for an even longer period of the year.
{{{{Ellie and family}}}}
I did a lot of sewing today. Made a sling based on a baby-wearing design for holding Harvey, as he has been spending so much time wrapped up with me in a shawl I got for Christmas that he has started to scratch at my other clothes to get inside them if I'm not wearing it. Daniel made use of it, and Harvey was sooooooo happy in there. Happy, happy little half-marsupial cat. Also, he seemed to like it when I wore it with him, as I was sewing. He kept trying to grab the pants I was mending.
What, Harvey, spoiled? Nah....
There is no "natural time." Time is a human construct. Before artificial light, people worked from dawn to dusk, so in a sense, they were always on daylight savings.
I love daylight savings, but the transition does suck.
I should be going to bed , not happening yet. If I thought about it earlier I would have taken an ambien -- but since I take the CR this is way to late for that....
I ended up spending most of the day at a friend's house, which was nice--helped her go through her closet and toss some clothes which no longer fit/were flattering, and then we just talked about relationships/life/stuff...and ended up posting a joint "date us!" ad on craigslist. Hee! I suspect that half our friends will be like "Um, this is you guys, isn't it?" in private emails to us, but whatever. She and I are always looking at the same ads on CL and going "Hey, did you see that ad? Did you respond to it?" so we were like "Oh, what the heck...two responses for the price of one when you answer this ad! We like the same people!"
gah! frickin frackin flat tire. Spare won't budge. Walked home for wrench. gah!
People will be pissed at me for going out on foot alone at this hour. I think I'll stay here and wait for D.
Hmm, I am going to try not to take offense at this. Perhaps I am reading the tone wrong.
Goodness, I'd think "jonesing for a wink" would establish the tone. Mostly I was impressed that the three posts in a row listed three different drugs. No Ambien monopoly here.
There is no "natural time." Time is a human construct. Before artificial light, people worked from dawn to dusk, so in a sense, they were always on daylight savings.
True, "time" is a construct of man. But I think mid-day should be when the sun is at it's zenith. Bad enough time zones averaged that out. But now DLST has pushed it an hour off mark.
Yes, please, Laga - stay safe. Sorry you have to deal with that pain in the behind.