Thanks, everyone. Steph, thanks for the offer and if I think of anything, I'll take you up on it.
I think my mom is going to come out. I feel a bit bad saying yes to her offer - since she is a teacher - but I just need someone else who can be okay with watching Frisco.
I think my mom is going to come out. I feel a bit bad saying yes to her offer - since she is a teacher - but I just need someone else who can be okay with watching Frisco.
Don't feel bad! This isn't a hangnail we're talking about. This is the exactly right time for some mom help.
Lots of medical~fu for Ellie, Stephanie. That is a really tough place to be in. I don't think you should feel bad about your mom. Seriously, as someone with adult children, their woes can be just as important to a parent as a 4-year old's. It's important to her to be there for you.
Sending much healing~ma to Padawan Ellie, and coping~ma for you and Joe. How scary!
Honestly, getting Ellie into the habit of brushing after she eats - always - would be better than denying treats.
I second this. The thing is, she IS going to get sweets - if not in your home, elsewhere. If not in her childhood, in her teens and twenties. If you teach her to brush a lot, you give her teeth more protection than they would have if you tried to protect her from sweets.
Stephanie, much healing~ma to the whole family! Yes, I think your mother visiting is a good thing. If Ellie is getting nervous or something, maybe say this is part of Padawan training. To be brave, and to let folks know what hurts, so the doctors can fix it. Speaking as someone who spent time in hospitals as a kid, adults were usually a lot more freaked out than I was.
o_a, definitely check with a bike shop. They usually have all ranges of prices and can help you solve individual problems with configurations. Forgive me for not being more aware of your phyiscal issues but I was wondering about a recumbent trike--I know it's pricey, but something similar maybe?
My limited experience with bikes (real and exercise) has taught me that I do much better being above the pedals, not level with them. Not sure if it's a gravity helping thing, or that the muscle group for the sitting/pedal is weaker. That's why I was thrilled to hear/see adult trike's, thinking that might be an option. The other thing I recently found was adult training wheels
Not sure how stable they are, but they would make for a bit easier in storage in the apartment, and take up less room on the trail.
Maybe we should start a gang called the Al-Kindles. Slap some literacy into everyone.
"Read this! READ THIS! I mean it -- you read this classic or I will fuck you up good!"
Or rather "Read this! READ THIS! It will fuck you up good man! Better than crack!" What? I found books could affect me something fierce.
Not really, I envisioned the crutches in the middle, down the center, together, leaving the sides of the basket open for stuffing.
Ah. cool. We shall see. I'm sure the rough version when I first get the bike (if), will be tossing them in the bucket with ends pointing out the back, as I ride to the hardware store to pilfer.
Omnis, I had my bike on a pulley arrangement before some stole the bike. It hangs on a single ceiling hook, kind of like [link], so it should be relatively apartment friendly. If I can remember the extremely logical place I put it, I could send it to you.
Ginger, that could be cool. Lets see if the bike works out. If it does, sure :) Thanks!
Whew. Back to work now. I was running around Fry's trying to find shit for the show. Then my ass't showed up late (again), so I had to power everything up, while fixing the slides, while rewiring the video outputs, while hacking into an 80's boombox, while, while, while, etc. Whew. Can I go home now instead of midnight?
Oh, Stephanie! That's awful! Poor you guys! I'm so glad your mom is coming out. This is totally a mom time.
Much healing ~ma for Ellie, Stephanie.
Yikes, Stephanie.
I liked The Women a lot, till it got all sentimental in the end.
Stephanie, I'm glad your mom has offered to come out. I feel so badly for you guys. Poor Ellie!
Your situation has helped us--Christopher was reluctant to have Owen put under to get his 16 cavities filled. The possibility of an abscess, however is more frightening, considering how quickly they can get serious. Christopher's not putting up a fuss anymore.
It's amazing how a visual director has bad concept of time. Doing these projections. Basically text scrolling across the screen. Inning. Year. Location. Black. Pretty basic. They want the slides to fill the time that it takes for the scene change. So the director is like "make the slides move faster, but don't have them linger, get them out of there" I say that will make the sequence shorter, and end before the scene change. He gives me a confused look. @@ Where do these people come from?