Poor Padawan Ellie! Quick healing for her.
The Women
is on cable this morning and just as bitchily entertaining as ever.
Norma Shearer's character is such a drip and sanctimonious bore early on, that you wind up rooting for Crystal Allen. At least for a little while. It's kind of a neat narrative trick, but Joan sells it.
The Women is on cable this morning and just as bitchily entertaining as ever.
Since I went to an all-girls' high school, every year I lobbied for the drama department to do that as our Spring show.
Shot down every year. Pah!
Thanks everyone. It has been a bad week for teeth. I just got an email from Joe - they say she has blood poisoning and will admit her for 5-10 days. I'm rather freaked out and feeling especially stressed in that I have a nursing toddler and a little girl in the hospital - both who need me and can't be in the same place at the same time.
Drive-by ice creamings sound like the best thing ever.
Honestly, getting Ellie into the habit of brushing after she eats - always - would be better than denying treats.
I like the idea of the trike omnis, I really hope it works.
ION, I have DH's cold. Maybe not as bad as he had it, but still - DON'T WANT
I'm sorry -- I hope things get better for Ellie quickly
I just got an email from Joe - they say she has blood poisoning and will admit her for 5-10 days.
Oh, my goodness! Poor Ellie! And poor you -- *of course* you're freaked out and stressed!
Is there anything I can do from Ohio?
Oh, poor little thing! And poor parents! I hope she's as unscared and brave as possible.
Oh, Stephanie! Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. Poor all of you! Sending all kinds of Jedi vibes to Ellie, the poor noodle.
Thanks, everyone. Steph, thanks for the offer and if I think of anything, I'll take you up on it.
I think my mom is going to come out. I feel a bit bad saying yes to her offer - since she is a teacher - but I just need someone else who can be okay with watching Frisco.
I think my mom is going to come out. I feel a bit bad saying yes to her offer - since she is a teacher - but I just need someone else who can be okay with watching Frisco.
Don't feel bad! This isn't a hangnail we're talking about. This is the exactly right time for some mom help.