Sunil, how would it be, if you said the mantra with the specific intention that the wife it helps you get be the right woman, at the right time - whether that be now, next year, or ten years from now?
Oh, I will do that. For kicks. We shall call it the prayer placebo.
Also, the time I said, "Shit!" really loudly playing volleyball in the church gym, one of my friends told her mom that, and her mom thought it was cute.
One time I was beating up my brother and called him a "fucking" something, and I got all scared that he was going to tell on me for cursing.
Oh! And one time when we were visiting in SF, my uncles told me that the Golden Gate Bridge shook, and I didn't believe them, and so we went on the bridge and they let me feel it. This was back in the day when everyone was using camcorders and recording things, and I yelled into the camera, "All right, you fucking bitches!" And then I immediately clamped my hands over my mouth and started freaking out and told them to rewind and tape over so my mom wouldn't see it.
Oh and this one time I gave this old guy at the hall the finger for telling me to stop picking on my little brother. Unfortunately, he knew my mom and I had to write some sentence a hundred times.
Huh. I may have been a good kid in high school, but I guess I got all my acting out done before then.
Oops. I just managed to spill arrowroot starch all over myself and my kitchen.
I will not argue with swine flu conspiracy theorists. I will not argue with swine flu conspiracy theorists. I will not argue with swine flu conspiracy theorists.
We can do this together, Hil. There are plenty of better ways to waste time and energy.
Any time that anyone presents links to actual fact, this person responds with something like, "You might believe that, but I don't." This person thinks that there's actually a huge stockpile of the vaccine, and all stuff about how there are shortages is a lie to create demand. And Donald Rumsfeld is behind it all. Only guiding principle in this person's argument seems to be, "If the government or the medical establishment says it, it must be false."
Most of my family already thinks I've gone off the "Don't believe everything you hear" deep end because I clean my kitchen and bathroom with vinegar, I filter tap water, and I generally won't microwave plastic. I really need to show them some of the vaccine conspiracies just to prove that my paranoia is relatively mild.
why is it wrong to clean with vinegar? It might be a bit smelly, but it disipates pretty quickly, kills germs ,, and doesn't set off allergic reactions.
why is it wrong to clean with vinegar? It might be a bit smelly, but it disipates pretty quickly, kills germs ,, and doesn't set off allergic reactions.
It's weird and it's not what other people do and it's not what the commercials say to do. If I was buying the commercial cleaners labeled "green," I wouldn't be getting nearly as much flak from certain family members as I do for cleaning with vinegar.