why is it wrong to clean with vinegar? It might be a bit smelly, but it disipates pretty quickly, kills germs ,, and doesn't set off allergic reactions.
It's weird and it's not what other people do and it's not what the commercials say to do. If I was buying the commercial cleaners labeled "green," I wouldn't be getting nearly as much flak from certain family members as I do for cleaning with vinegar.
This person thinks that there's actually a huge stockpile of the vaccine, and all stuff about how there are shortages is a lie to create demand. And Donald Rumsfeld is behind it all. Only guiding principle in this person's argument seems to be, "If the government or the medical establishment says it, it must be false."
You must be reading a post by my co-worker. Sigh. I'm mostly successful in avoiding the subject with her.
I clean my kitchen and bathroom with vinegar
So does my cleaning lady (when cleaning for customers). She goes through about a bottle every couple months.
Huh. I clean almost everything with either vinegar or baking soda. And I wash my laundry with soap nuts. I must be some kind of dangerous kook.
Nah, not a dangerous kook. Just someone that my mother and sister would roll their eyes at.
The only reason I don't clean more things with vinegar is because Pete hates the smell.
Bad form for Boulder police!
Police Quash Nude Pumpkin Run
I don't think I said this before: Happy B-day, Ginger!
why is it wrong to clean with vinegar? It might be a bit smelly, but it disipates pretty quickly, kills germs ,, and doesn't set off allergic reactions.
Ha! DH just asked me why we go through so much vinegar. (I brought a half gallon bottle home from the store.) I explained that that is what I clean with. I stock up on vinegar, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide because they take care of most of the messes the kids make.
Possibly. They could hire ninjas. Perhaps they already have. I should do a sweep of the attic.
I want to turn this into a children's book: "Are You My Mother's Ninjas?" (Hint: if you have time to ask, these are not the ninjas you're looking for.)