Epic, don't waste the updo!
In order to keep myself from gorging on candy, I bought an assortment of Hot Tamales and Junior Mints. I'd rather gargle with napalm than eat either one.
I've always done that -- bought candy I hate, in order to not eat it all -- but The Boy's logic is to buy candy he we like, because -- leftovers! So we have Milky Ways, Snickers, and wee bars of solid chocolate from TJs.
Blah. It's Halloween. I should be eating junk food. Instead, I have moved from eating crackers this morning to eating crackers with peanut butter tonight, and I just very cautiously ate one Newman-O. Being sick is no fun.
So exhausted that I can't type the whole word, apparently. But you guys have about convinced me. I'll go (especially since when she heard I was thinking of not going because my Check Engine light is on and I don't want to press my luck with the drive, my mother offered her car). Apparently it's very important to everyone. So I'll go. For you. I'm a Giver.
meara, if it helps, I'd have a hard time flirting at that moment too. It would feel too fraught. I'm not sure why.
On second thought, I think the fraught-ness comes from the fact that she isn't being flirtatious herself, but she is acknowledging attractiveness, which then suggests... possibilities... and then it all feels a bit too fraught.
Yeah. It was also the end of the night, so I was tired, and I was really surprised. But dang, I kick myself, cause she was so cute! :) And it's so unlike me to be that un-smooth! Sigh...Certain people laughed and laughed at me, though, which at least made me feel good that I'd given someone amusement. :)
Luckily, there were also some...ahem...better times, that weekend. And even that night. Where I was more smooth. And got to do some kissing, and some (very hot and consensual) smacking someone around with the chains she was bound up in. And so on.
"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" is making me feel a little better.
Supposedly, if you go to any Chipotle tonight dressed as a burrito (which basically means putting a piece of foil on your head), you get a free burrito.
Of course I am a Halloween curmudgeon
::fellow Halloween curmudgeon hugs Kristin::