The banana bread is out of the oven and the house smells fantastic.
It's a recipe I haven't used before, that called for sour cream. I think it will be excellent. I just need to let it cool a bit before I can try it and make that judgment call.
I really need a shower, having gone to the gym earlier and expended much energy.
I had a great-aunt who used to tell her kids "I don't care if you bring home a black, I don't care if you bring home a gay - just don't bring home a Republican!"
The fact that The Boy voted for Bush is something We Never Discuss. And he's barely pro-choice, which troubles me as well. But for the most part, our lefty social-justice leanings match up.
Oh my god. Sour cream in the banana bread recipe?
AWESOME. I might have to eat the whole loaf.
Fortunately, the recipe made 2 loaves.
This just in: I am dressed as a Valkyrie. I debated whether to say I was a Valkyrie or an opera singer (Valkyrie's cooler, but more people get opera singer), but then thought of the unfortunate "not over 'til the fat lady sings" connotations and went the other way. Plus, with Valkyrie I got to bring a sword to work, and when is that ever not fun? Won one of the prizes in the costume contest, which is good after last year's "HR person's too dumb to think of a category into which my SERIOUSLY AWESOME Bo Peep costume would fit, so didn't get any prize at all" debacle (which, it is possible I am still
bitter over).
Being the drama teacher, however, I have taken it upon myself to give the day a nod. I'm wearing all my normal clothes...and a fake mustache. That's it. Just the mustache. Needed to be done.
I heart ChiKat. A bunch.
I suspect this is why they had to leave Columbus.
Because Wisconsin's a hotbed of liberalism? I must have missed a memo.
But you have a better idea of who would actually like me than my mom.
Hey, I have three Indian guys at work (it's a small company). I'll see if any are Gujarati and have geeky sisters.
I have found some Indian girls on OKCupid but haven't worked up the nerve to send a message. Especially since some "reply very selectively."
Hey, if the worst thing is no reply - risk it!
My mom says, "No BMMW." Meaning Black, Mexican, Muslim, or White.
I sense a Native American loophole there.
I know some nice Filipinas and Vietnamese girls.
Also, timelies, All!
edited because no matter how many times I read before I post, I still always miss something.
My landlord/friend is a black woman married to a white man.
I had a great-aunt who used to tell her kids "I don't care if you bring home a black, I don't care if you bring home a gay - just don't bring home a Republican!"
Aww. In other heartwarming familial stories, when I finally told my 87 yo (nominally Jewish) grandmother I liked boys and girls, her response was, "I know that! I've known that for years! I don't care, I love you and it's your life. "
She also reacted much better to my tattoo than my parents did.
Way to show Life Wisdom, smonster's g-ma!
A Valkyrie!? That's awesome!
Open question to anyone wanting to respond:
For those of you who identify as bisexual, have you had equally long relationships with same sex as you have with opposite sex partners?
(Srsly. I've several times come across message boards where idiots in their early twenties chirpily proclaimed that daring to get knocked up after 30 is tantamount to child abuse.)
Is slapping the shit of chirpy twits in their early twenties tantamount to child abuse, or is it just good clean fun?