My landlord/friend is a black woman married to a white man.
I had a great-aunt who used to tell her kids "I don't care if you bring home a black, I don't care if you bring home a gay - just don't bring home a Republican!"
Aww. In other heartwarming familial stories, when I finally told my 87 yo (nominally Jewish) grandmother I liked boys and girls, her response was, "I know that! I've known that for years! I don't care, I love you and it's your life. "
She also reacted much better to my tattoo than my parents did.
Way to show Life Wisdom, smonster's g-ma!
A Valkyrie!? That's awesome!
Open question to anyone wanting to respond:
For those of you who identify as bisexual, have you had equally long relationships with same sex as you have with opposite sex partners?
(Srsly. I've several times come across message boards where idiots in their early twenties chirpily proclaimed that daring to get knocked up after 30 is tantamount to child abuse.)
Is slapping the shit of chirpy twits in their early twenties tantamount to child abuse, or is it just good clean fun?
Parenting fail: I thought the trick or treating I take the kids to at the local mall was going to be tomorrow.
It was today.
Oh well, they can still go around the neighborhood.
I'll sit on the driveway and hand out candy.
I suck.
Is slapping the shit of chirpy twits in their early twenties tantamount to child abuse, or is it just good clean fun?
I vote for good clean fun.
A Valkyrie!? That's awesome!
I was trying to think of something that I wouldn't need a wig for - hate wigs. I saw the Valkyrie & thought "Busty & Blonde? I can do that!" Though the costume, of course, is nothing like the standards of the Vikings at Ren Faire, but I have to keep reminding myself, there's garb and then there's costumes.
Can't wait until I get to my home computer to see steampunk Charlie's Angels! (And I keep meaning to post my pics of Steampunk Ghostbusters from Masquerade...)
I've several times come across message boards where idiots in their early twenties chirpily proclaimed that daring to get knocked up after 30 is tantamount to child abuse.
Ugh. I had a personal ad when I was about 21 (what? it was free!) I had an upper age limit of guys I was interested in of about 25 or 26, I think. This 30-yr-old completely disregarded my limit and contacted me - because he wanted a very young woman so that she'd still have quality eggs. He was Cree.Pee. (For other reasons too, but retroactively very insulting to this over-35 gal).
ChiKat, you'd be married if only you'd fast for eleven Tuesdays straight and repeat this one mantra eleven times a day.
You know, part of me wants to do this just so you have scientific evidence to bring to your mom.
What's the mantra??
The black woman/white man couples I know are mostly family--my family is mostly women, mostly black, and mostly living in white places. But eyeballing it flips the numbers quite dramatically.
The only guy I'll claim as having been a boyfriend was white, but I'm choosy about men, not race. I'm an equal opportunity luster.