About a year, I think.
ETA: So, yeah, kind of my bad.
Mea culpa.
I wasn't asking to evoke shame! I was curious -- a year is sort of where it becomes "Eh, it's been out for a while, surely everyone knows," territory while at the same time, there are people who don't know!
All I was gonna say was, if it's something like Jane Eyre, well, that's pushing the limits of keeping spoilers hush-hush.
(Reader: she marries him.)
I love you people.
Just as well he left out the SHOCKING PLOT TWIST.
Just as well he left out the SHOCKING PLOT TWIST.
Are you talking about the part where Jesus meets Santa for the first time? Santa is already immortal, of course; he just wasn't doing anything for the kids until he met Jesus....
(This is all in the Book of Gifts.)
Jesus isn't really dead
He's alive, Frodo, he's alive!
And God is played by James Mason.
Theodosia "Coffee On My Monitor" Jun 1, 2005 6:05:29 pm PDT
eta: I regret I didn't add to that post: "...as Father and Son."
How shirty would you be if I told you that in the Bible, Jesus dies?
t puts bible in the freezer