what is it, a game?
Elgato Turbo.264
A gizmo that helps convert video files faster, so your CPU isn't slammed. Should convert files recorded in EyeTV on my computer faster so I can watch them on my Xbox on the big screen. I don't *need* it, and can't justify the $100 to buy it new. So ebay!
I've heard that before, and also that serious stress can be a trigger. Which makes sense, because Hubby's diabetes didn't manifest until he nearly died from kidney stone treatment, and mine appeared right after. And we both were seeing doctors regularly.
Yes, me, too. My doctors figure that the condition tat led to my tokhes (tuchus? tuckas?) surgery in 1993 or thereabouts triggered mine. Too bad it took ten years for me to get diagnosed.
Ironically had I not been keeping low carb all that time, it would have taken me down sooner.
Dinner yesterday was hippie paella. Which is neither a paella nor really a hippie style dish.
Why am I still so damned tired? I went to bed an hour early last night fuhchrissake because I was tired yesterday.
I just made my hotel reservation for a conference I'm going to in Kentucky. I had to ask the guy to repeat half the things he was saying because of his accent. Each time, he'd sigh and repeat it more slowly and enunciated. I'm not used to having this much trouble with accents, but this guy's accent wasn't quite like anyone else I've ever heard.
I'll bite. How do you make a hippie paella?
I'm not used to having this much trouble with accents, but this guy's accent wasn't quite like anyone else I've ever heard.
When I worked in Eastern KY, my car broke down one night. I flagged down a driver, thinking it was someone from the theater. It turned out to be a 'neighbor' of the theater. Did. Not. Know. there were folks living up in that hollar. Real nice guy, picking me up at 1am in the middle of nowhere. I could not understand a WORD he said. I felt real bad. If he didn't gesture towards his place as we drove by it, I wouldn't have known that's where he lived. It was like that Lurch dude from "Hot Fuzz".