Is it the same costume for both?
Oh, I wasn't clear. I actually have 3 costumes for this year - I dressed as a Cheerleader for Satan for a belly dance party, will be dressing as a Steampunk Charlie's (Charles'?) Angel at work on Friday, and Saturday at amyth's party I will be Audrey Horne from Twin Peaks. If you're not familiar here are some pics of her - [link]
And KBD will be my Very Special Agent Cooper.
Smonster, we definitely need pictures of you as that last one.
Yay! She was my favorite! After Coop, of course.
I did too much walking yesterday, which was totally worth it, so today I'm going to do as little as possible so that it doesn't wreck my whole week.
After a massive communication failure in my department, I have thrown in the towel on getting anyone there and canceled class for the day. This means I can wear inside pants and then put on jeans for rehearsal. I should also do something productive, maybe play around with the software I'm supposed to be learning so I can teach it to the rest of the department while I wait for an email so I can send out a committee report that is due today.
t sigh
Inside pants.
feh. forgot my wallet, guess I can go home for lunch, though.
smonster, those costumes sound fantastic! Have fun at the parties.
Morning, Bitches! How is your Monday treating you?
Well, something that looked like it would be a giant pain in my ass turned out to be not so much. (Gaia bless CSS!) So I'm calling it a yay!
I'll also be going to the Twin Peaks party on Halloween, but as the Log Lady. The lack of preparation necessary to make me look like a dowdy, middle-aged crazy lady is kind of depressing. Basically, I just need an old pair of glasses and the log.
Was it Log Lady who invented the silent curtain mechanism?
No, that was whatsername, superlady. Nadine.