(Do Lindbergh baby jokes even WORK anymore? I feel like Grandpa Simpson.)
Is the Lindbergh baby playing poker with Jimmy Hoffa?
Oh hell YES.
"So I was wearing an onion on my belt, as that was the style at the time..."
"We had to say 'dickety' cause the Kaiser had stolen our word '20'..."
"I used to be with it, but then they changed what 'it' was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's 'it' seems weird and scary to me."
Man, I love Grampa Simpson. And Teppy. And beer.
Whoa, I'm loopy today.
I am AMAZED every time I geek out like this that I even have a boyfriend.
All due respect to The Boy but this makes me want to mack on you RIGHT NOW!
I am AMAZED every time I geek out like this that I even have a boyfriend.
All due respect to The Boy but this makes me want to mack on you RIGHT NOW!
You should hear me explaining how previously-dead Jason Todd came back to life because Superboy-Prime PUNCHED A HOLE IN REALITY. It's practically guaranteed mackage.
You should hear me explaining how previously-dead Jason Todd came back to life because Superboy-Prime PUNCHED A HOLE IN REALITY. It's practically guaranteed mackage.
Does this talk come with hand waving and rolling of eyes?
~ma to Cindy.
Ginger, I agree with Plei. Online + rush ordering might be the best way to go for the ankle brace.
Yay PC Barry
Fay, I am ... agog at your mother's emails. Mine just sends me photos from the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.
Oh, and from a ways back: the very specific
rule is because, well, that's my birthday. I refuse to even contemplate Christmas until after Halloween and JilliDay. (Unless, of course, Christmas is being brought up in the context of
"So for Christmas, I was thinking of getting you a trip to Disneyland. Do you need to schedule time off for that in advance?")
(Do Lindbergh baby jokes even WORK anymore? I feel like Grandpa Simpson.)
I don't want to live in a universe where they aren't. But pulling one randomly, especially in my country, is similar to me pulling the unsuspected serial comma question poll.
They just never get me, those poor people.
Speaking of my country: with the whole "moving to a settlement" thing, I keep dreaming I wish I could live where stuff were pretty normal (or more normal), and then thinking that after Israel, I might never survive living in a "normal" place.
It'll just be weird.
ION, why does my mom insist on keeping talking with me when I'm moody and trying to stay away from people so I won't say stupid things and hurt them accidently?
Oh, and a HELL FREAKING YAY for PC Barry!
You should hear me explaining how previously-dead Jason Todd came back to life because Superboy-Prime PUNCHED A HOLE IN REALITY. It's practically guaranteed mackage.
Punched a hole in reality is the BEST THING EVER.
Punched a hole in reality is the BEST THING EVER.
I thought handwave-y handwave-y hypertime hypertime was the BEST THING EVER for DC continuity.
It's really amazing how many of life's little problems can be solved just by PUNCHING A HOLE IN REALITY.