Well, cheers to Barry, then. I'm raising a mug to him. Of course, given the time of day and my general dislike of beer, it's got hot chocolate in it, but it's really strong hot chocolate, so less unfit a tribute than one might think.
I've got a space heater about five feet from my desk. I just turned around and noticed Harvey sitting a couple feet from it, bogarting all the warmth. Of course, once we get the new furnace, I'm sure he'll recommence his great love affair with the grate in the dining room floor.
Barry sounds like an excellent policeman, Seska. Good that he is looking out for you.
There is no doubt that Em is one of us. Well done, parental units.
Man, now I want a Bat Cave.
Seska, I hope the lovely policeman made up for the wretched incident that prompted it.
Huzzah for Barry!
I have my exam. More importantly, I have ice cream. Ahhh.
Leif's favorite toy remains cardboard boxes. He can crawl into them, make obstacle courses, draw on them, and pretend they are cars. Nothing else really comes close.
I'm looking forward to Christmas this year. There will be fewer presents in number for them, but they'll be getting a Wii. I think that's going to go over big.
Seska I am glad you reported it. That particular incident may not have been truely unlawful, but now the community officer will be watching that area and be aware that at least one person is very hostile.
ankle ma~~~
results ma~~~~
health ma ~~~ to computers and people
Just give the girl a chance to talk , P-C. This way you can say you gave it a fair shot.
I forgot about the Bats and Supes kisage
Seska, I hope the lovely policeman made up for the wretched incident that prompted it.
He did, he did!
That particular incident may not have been truely unlawful, but now the community officer will be watching that area and be aware that at least one person is very hostile.
That's what both officers I talked to today were saying to me. It's better to report not-totally-illegal things that scare you, than to let people get away with things that could escalate into something worse.
Man, now I want a Bat Cave.
I wonder if I could convert the parking lot downstairs...
Heaps and heaps of ~ma and lots of prayers going out to you, Cindy. And I'm so glad to see your pixels more often lately; they're wise, funny pixels and they've been missed.
P-C, never mind about taking care of a house. Just ask her, you know, stuff. If she likes some show or book you know nothing about, ask her about it. Does she have a comfort food movie or book or song she turns to at the end of a truly crappy day? How did she first come to see/read/hear it? Best Halloween costume, favorite holiday, top five sandwiches ever eaten, would she rather have the power of flight or invisibility?
Really. Your LJ is full of all these interesting, quirky conversations you get into with interesting, quirky near-strangers all over the place, all the time -- except when you're meeting a potential wife. But that's the parental pressure, not some innate inability on your part. If you can manage to detach yourself from the pressure, you're totally, eminently capable of talking with a stranger. Even a female stranger. Even a cute girl stranger.