Joe is celebrating a minor victory in the brainwashing raising of our child.
We got the PreSkool Holiday catalog in the mail and Em and I were looking at it yesterday. She loved both the BatCave and the Dollhouse. She asked for both, but I told her she had to pick one.
She thought about it, very seriously with a finger tapping against her lips, and then raised the finger in the air and said, "BatCave! My dolls can live there, too!"
Oh she's been one of us since the days of her making her Bats and Supes kiss each other goodnight.
The BatCave in question: [link]
Well, cheers to Barry, then. I'm raising a mug to him. Of course, given the time of day and my general dislike of beer, it's got hot chocolate in it, but it's really strong hot chocolate, so less unfit a tribute than one might think.
I've got a space heater about five feet from my desk. I just turned around and noticed Harvey sitting a couple feet from it, bogarting all the warmth. Of course, once we get the new furnace, I'm sure he'll recommence his great love affair with the grate in the dining room floor.
Barry sounds like an excellent policeman, Seska. Good that he is looking out for you.
There is no doubt that Em is one of us. Well done, parental units.
Man, now I want a Bat Cave.
Seska, I hope the lovely policeman made up for the wretched incident that prompted it.