I need to figure out at least two different kinds of applications -- possibly three, since some want everything emailed.
You're lucky in comparison to what I went through and the number of sites that I signed up with and entered my resume on, often manually. There are the big recruiting sites, the small recruiting sites, and an insane number of companies with their own resume submission and signup procedure--and I mean forms where you have to enter your resume in sections, not just upload the Word document.
And do they read them? I don't think so. Or I would have gotten different call backs. The number of development and insurance sales positions I got called back for was much higher than the number of project manager or business analyst positions, despite me only applying for the latter. And leading off my resume and cover letter with those terms.
Job searching sucks. I hope everyone, Hil, Laga, Erin, has an easier time of it than I did.
There are the big recruiting sites, the small recruiting sites, and an insane number of companies with their own resume submission and signup procedure--and I mean forms where you have to enter your resume in sections, not just upload the Word document.
Oh god yeah. Nightmarish.
I've also got to write my dissertation. And write 100 cover letters. (Well, I've got two basic forms, with one paragraph that I'm writing differently for each one.) I'm trying really hard to keep my stress level manageable.
I was looking at a recpie for Tarte a L'Oignon the other day and thinking "man this is a lot of work." Then I realized that store bought pie crust would take care of the first twelve steps or so. It's not cheating, it's conservation of time and energy.
The basic quiche recipe I use is an Alton Brown one, and he uses a frozen pie crust, so I have no qualms about doing the same.
billytea has a goat cheese and onion tart in the Buffista cookbook. It is the nom.
t cookbook pimp
Damn it. I think a panic attack is coming.
billytea has a goat cheese and onion tart in the Buffista cookbook. It is the nom.
I need to get out my copy. I have both onions and goat cheese. And crusts in my freezer.
Deep breaths, Hil. I know it's hard to be talked out of freaking out, but you're fine. You're totally competent, and you can handle this.