Dear God, so much ~ma to everyone around. Really.
J, one of my co-workers that I adore, said, "Hey - I'm going to send you another work order, that cool?" It was, so I went to give the thumbs up.
And flipped her off.
Nothing, IMHO. It's also can be interpreted as a good thing. I think.
And now: why the hell every time I quote the claim that there can't be great richness if there ain't great poverty people think I'm referring to zero-sum, and not to the law of conservation of energy?
Sigh. And they call themselves professors.
Which part of the bay are you at, again?
I am in Belmont, which is roughly half way between SF and Palo Alto. If you are thinking Silicon Valley for jobs, Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Mateo or Redwood city would be good. A fair number of people who work in my office live in SF as well.
And now: why the hell every time I quote the claim that there can't be great richness if there ain't great poverty people think I'm referring to zero-sum, and not to the law of conservation of energy?
I know the latter is a law of physics and the former something to do with economics, but then I'm stumped (I was never very good at either subject). What were you referring to in this discussion with your professor(s)?
What were you referring to in this discussion with your professor(s)?
A bunch of things. That doesn't really matter, actually. I see why they think I might be talking about the zero sum (the "result" of a game stays the same - kind of like the average. I don't know, I just Googled it yesterday after too many people dismissed me with that statement), but I'm talking about something a lot more basic than economics, dammit.
I'm talking about physics. The scale of value and the value of the value may differ over time, but the energy won't. So I'm not claiming that it'll be zero sum game, but that if a process suddenly "ceased" of being, it didn't really disappeared - the energy of it just went somewhere else.
I just don't have any idea why suddenly people think I know something about economics. If I had have, I'd wear nicer cloths, God dammit.
I have been flu shot. Here's hoping for no side effects.
{{{Sparky}}} Health~ma to you and baby K.
Health~ma Sparky and Seska and Connie and whoever else can use it which is probably all of us to some extent.
Must go out into the world and get cat food and dog food and people food. Would rather stay in by the fire, but afeared of the cats taking matters into their own claws.
anti-flu~ma to all!
Aims, thank you for that story about hand tourettes. I laughed so loud it sounded like a bark.
~ma to Sparky and fam. I hope you feel better, soon.
I just don't have any idea why suddenly people think I know something about economics. If I had have, I'd wear nicer cloths, God dammit.
This made me chuckle.
Connie, I got my shot today, too. I think last year I had to go home with the achy blahs. Hoping that doesn't happen this year.
Boy, yesterday was a real pisser for lots of us, wasn't it? I am feeling better today, so I return the ~ma to the pool. I can't remember the last time I was so suddenly and violently angry for no clear reason.
One of the reasons I keep KBD around is that he's eminently teachable in some respects. Once I explained to him that men tend to problem-solve and women tend to prefer sympathy, he just said, "Oh" and shifted gears. Now if I could just get him to admit/be conscious that he is extremely sensitive to tone... if I sound at all annoyed I get accused of "yelling" at him, but if I'm five minutes late calling I get "Where are *you*? with serious attitude.
I apparently sprained my ankle Monday. It seems to be a mild sprain, and I so do not want to go through the whole medical process just to be told to do what I'm doing now. But it hurts and it's making me cranky, and my not going outside is making the dog cranky.