I hope you bought the collar, Teppy.
and sorry the day was so bad for people. I knew today was Monday diguised as Tuesday when DH woke me up at 5:30 to tll me he could make it out of the drivey, but I wouldn't . ( He was going to the airport) A tree branch was doen on some line - which he was unsure. Happily, once it was light out I could see 1) that it was a neighbor's line 2) not our tree , but a city tree and 3) I had good- looking fireman come to the hous. bonus: Phone line not power.
but seriously, if that was a good day...
I love this Snopes-related XKCD: [link]
Sorry, can't be more specific than that - tired from getting up for a staff meeting that started 5 hours before my shift does. Also, made the mistake of watching Venture Brothers with Daniel before coming here, so now brainless. And pronounless.
Sigh. Darn you, Beth B! I got my hopes all up that you were a different Beth that I met this weekend, because I didn't remember your last name, and I don't know hers. And I thought she had found me, and friended me on Facebook. And then it was you instead. Who are also awesome, but not a hottie 25 year old who would've had to search me out after I told her she was "super cute". Sigh.
Gronk. Hi.
Nora, M has his fingers in many properties around the Bay Area - email me with your wish list, and I'll let you know what he says about places and possible availabilities.
Feel-better~ma, smonster - and to everyone who needs it. Here's hoping today's a better day for everyone.
That's about it. Still very tired. Need to be wakies and do writing all day. Sending my PCA to pharmacy for iron pills today - it occurs to me that I'm probably anaemic. (I have a standing agreement with doctors that I can treat myself with iron pills if I think I am. It's the only thing they let me make my own decisions over.) If that doesn't work, I'm screwed over this dissertation. Anti-tired~ma and stay-awake-for-more-than-four-hours-at-a-time~ma would be appreciated!
That collar is awesome.
In other news, the Ambien strategy seemed to work. I slept straight through from 9pm to about 15 minutes before my alarm went off. Too early and not yet enough coffee to tell if the ugly sleep deficit side effects have stuck with me or not.
Anti-tired~ma to you, Seska.
Much awakeness~ma, Seska.
I am on day 4 of flu like symptoms. Since I am breast feeding, I can't really take anything except steam and saline. I am about ready to go insane from being home all these days from work, and I'm worried about the 5 month old becoming infected.
Also, my husband leaves for California on Friday morning.
I think I need to go back to bed.