Job situation for the tech world: right now , there are jobs. And most people will find something. However, there is a lot of overly picky, perfect matches only sort of attitude. So it isn't an easy search. Other jobs can be even harder.
It's the same here, too.
Java, I would LOVE to switch with you! Our house is pretty awesome. Also, has a yard! Heh.
P-C, I'll definitely take you up on the offer- we are just waiting for some financial hooly-hoo to work itself out (hopefully by the end of the year, making it perhaps a Spring 2010 move, if all goes accordingly. In the meantime, the plan is to purge as much crap out of our house/lives as possible.
I found the bridesmaid dress.
Is anyone discussing the BBC show "Occupation"?
I love Rockridge, Nora (although I was in Berkeley). It would be an easy commute to the UCB campus, but be forewarned that there is a hiring freeze there now because of the budget situation.
yeah, I'm thinking private schools at this point. Our business School is a peer of Hass at Stanford, so I am wondering if it would be possibly to work something out through the grapevine here.
also, heh, Ridgerock, Rockridge- I didn't even realize what I'd done for a while. I knew I *mean* Rockridge.
javachik, awesome article! I really am leaning toward Oakland at this point. It just sounds like a cool, diverse, up and coming, cheaper area. Like Somerville 15-20 years ago (but with more black people).
P-C, I'll definitely take you up on the offer
Cool! I can go and take pictures of stuff and break into houses or whatever.
Jess, in Seattle, you could have a YARD! And PLAYDATES! And STUFF!
So should I move West too? What's the job market like?
FUCK YES! Ahem. I mean, yes, you should consider it. Of course by West I mean Los Angeles, the Pasadena area is lovely.
As for job market, the heck if I know, but my business has been growing at a pretty good rate for the last 18 months.
I just opened my cable bill. $168!!! oh, HELL no! Goodbye Dexter, cause I'm getting rid of the pay stuff.
Cute Oakland apartments:
Ad for a SF apartment in a neighborhood I like (the Zmayems' if I am not mistaken) for similar money: