I slept /stayed in bed until 1130. I have eaten lunch. made my DH got to a local art show. 'Helped' DH fix my bike ( which means I watch and occasionally fetch something or hold something) and spent many hours on facebook or other places on the internet. I am about to start foing stuff for dinner.
I don't seem to care that it was a day of minimal accomplishments.
I would much rather have palmetto bugs than the little German roaches. My first house and a couple of apartments had huge infestations of German roaches, to the point that when I turned on the kitchen light at night, the counters were moving. I tried everything, but I suspect they'll thrive on gamma rays. I am not bothered by any bugs as such, but volume will get to me. My screaming adrenaline-rush phobia is larvae. If I were in charge of television, shows would be required to run a maggot warning.
Your bug killing talk amuses me. We were cooking outside again today, and the wasps were coming to check out what we were making. We put out the fatty meat scraps and amused ourselves by watching the wasps nip off little bits and fly away with them.
Our al fresco meal companions accuse us of being weird.
Bugs inside the house are doomed.
How about after two days of back and forth with counteroffers and such, we still haven't come to a final agreement on the house we want and oh, by the way, the owners are currently on a plane on their way to freakin' PARIS for three weeks.
I hope by the time they land, they'll have had a come to Jesus moment that suggests, "Oh hai, yes, we will let you have the pretty, pretty house at the last offer you made."
Dana, think of this as positive reinforcement for your move to a place where it snows.
mr. flea killed a giant roach on our 12 foot ceiling today, using a stool.
Los angeles is relatively roach-free. Plus we have great Thai food.
You, apparently however, have something called Roof Rats.
I'm sure its a coincidence, but I haven't back to LA since I learned of their existance.
Scrappy, did you say you're using one of those daylight alarm clocks? I'm thinking of getting one but they're not cheap.
Not me, Brenda. Maybe Teppy?