Raspberry and chocolate are a perfectly acceptable combination.
No no no no no. Chocolate mixed with almost anything is Very Bad. (Ice cream being one of just a few exceptions to the rule.) Someone brought me a chocolate and vanilla cheesecake, and it's sitting in the fridge because I can't eat it, because chocolate should be a solo taste.
Heh. I'm fairly simple in my tastes-- I don't like combining too many things, but good dark chocolate with one other flavor, be it mint, or raspberry or coconut is right up there with sexual bliss for me.
Feel free to ship your chocolate-vanilla abomination to me, Seska. I'd be happy to remove it from this plane of existence.
I love European (for lack of a better word) candy, like chocolate filled with raspberry liqueur or whatnot....
Oh, I made that "two ingredient pumpkin spice cake" last night, sort of. You mix a big can of pumpkin with a spice cake mix (unmixed) and throw it in the oven. I only had white cake and the batter tasted kind of blah so I added a bunch of spices and some raisins and nuts and it was seriously yum. Not really a cake like texture, more like somewhere between brownies and bread pudding. I think a drizzle of a cream cheese glaze or just some whipped cream would make it rock the world.
lemon, raspberry, vanilla cake
Recipe or death. Oh, and I support your daughter, but damn, that sounds too good to resist.
Ooh, Barb, whatever you end up making with German Chocolate cake ICING, call me up when you're done, and I'll eat it, I love that stuff!
Feel free to ship your chocolate-vanilla abomination to me, Seska.
Happy to.
You people had me craving chocolate. Then I found a Gu pud in my freezer. Little serving of chocolate heaven. Amazing.
Ooh, Barb, whatever you end up making with German Chocolate cake ICING, call me up when you're done, and I'll eat it, I love that stuff!
Guess I'll have to wait 'til I MOVE TO SEATTLE to experiment then, yes? We can have a giant cake orgy.
That sounded so pervy.
And OMG, we're gonna be moving to Seattle... soonish!
::wanders off muttering "house ~ma, house ~ma, house ~ma"::
Am I the only one who, when browsed for recipes online in a room full a people, got carried away and declared, in glazed eyes, "oh, baby, I'm so gonna do you later!", only to be confronted with confused looks by the other people in the room?
No, right?
... right?