Hoping for a quick and as painfree as possible recovery for Erin.
And Connie - yay!
Following Vortex's suggestion - perhaps the Bitch cabal should deal with each other's problem relationships. We can tell someone else's parent to back off, break up with people we don't like any more, deal with problem bosses/employees. Sound good?
There was just a family on A Baby Story with the last name Bitchatcho. And they had a little girl. Oy!
There was just a family on A Baby Story with the last name Bitchatcho. And they had a little girl. Oy!
Did they give her a "B" first name, like "Barbara"?
I'm hoping her first name was Spikesatcho.
Ugh, meara.
Yay for no more ill-tempered girly bits, Erin. I hope your recovery goes quickly.
And so we have returned from retrieving my snow-bound car. Daniel is once again my hero for chipping the ice away from the bases of the windshield wipers, as they were indeed thoroughly encrusted.
had meeting with my boss and ubber boss, going over what went well and what needs improvement from this past year. An impromptu evaluation. Ubber boss looks at my boss and says "[boss] has done many good things this season, but by far, the best thing he did was hiring you. If he had done nothing else this season, we would have still said [boss] did a great job." Then boss went on to say things like (forget direct quotes) "O_A, you bring a level of professionalism to the theater, and this department that is sorely needed..." and other flattery, ego boosting things. I blushed a bit. And, did *not* put it off, but actually said thank you! I think I learned how to take a compliment.
Gotta love ego boosts, no? Hopefully that equates to pay raise over the summer when fiscal year changes.
That may be the best job evaluation I've ever heard, omnis. Yay you!
Erin, hooray for being free of troublesome girly bits. May their banishment enable you, post recovery, to have even more fun with the fun bits!
And be careful with yourself, and don't pick up anything heavy, or anything much bigger than a bottle of pain meds or a trashy novel.
We may, possibly, just maybe have a buyer for the car. I hope, hope, hope. Just reduced the price to $1250 this morning and got a call from a mechanic's sister in the South Bay. They're coming at 2. Please, please, please?