There's a certain wacko logic to shutting off the fire alarms because kids keep ringing false alarms. I mean, yes, it's an Epic Fail way to solve a problem. But at least there's a problem there that they're trying to solve.
Not letting the firefighters into the building when there's a fire? Makes shutting off the alarms look sane.
Bree Walker has hands like lobster claws, essentially.
She has two children, one of whom she passed the syndrome to...the shit hit the fan, like "How DARE you..." and etc.
but she said she knew that that was a possibility, unlike her parents and she was in a unique position to help them through it.
In a sidebar at sumi's link (not commenting on the main attraction, my irony is sprained), "Kenya toddler is first polio infection in 20 years."
My link?
(And that's terrible about the toddler with polio.)
Oops. Suzi's. Natural mistake, since sumi's always quick on the linkage. And one letter off. C'mon.
Apologies to both of you.
"Kenya toddler is first polio infection in 20 years."
To which I say, Anti-vaccination people: SUCK A BIG HAIRY ONE.
Oh dog. I went to suzi's link. Ewwwww.
To which I say, Anti-vaccination people: SUCK A BIG HAIRY ONE.
You beat me.
I think I'm more incoherent with rage about anti-vaccination whackjobs than I am about people who refuse to believe in evolution or people who refuse to believe in global warming. Because, on evolution, well, I have empirical evidence on my side, and I'll just avoid talking to them. On global warming, well, SIT BACK AND WATCH, BITCHES. I got nothing but time on my side for that one.
But anti-vaccination whackjobs are hurting children that they're supposed to protect, as well as FUCKING OVER the population in general, since they're contributing to the decline in herd immunity.
t edit
There's a fantastic thread over at Making Light about the anti-vaccination whackjobs, and how, thanks to massive immunization (embrace the irony), nobody fucking remembers just how bad rubella, mumps, measles, polio, etc. really are. Like, wipe-out-all-the-children-under-10-in-one-village bad.