In light of recent discussion, this is funny:
I'm a working mom with little kids. Is there any volunteer work I can do between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m.?
Well, at least it's funny in my head....
I got up at 5:45 so I could go out for breakfast before work. But the coffee was so weak I'm gonna go out to get more.
What a crappy morning, Aimee. I hope the rest of your day shapes up and gets better.
I'm literally not used to not being smacked down when I fuck up. I'm still braced for the blow. How fucking sad of a commentary on my life (mostly childhood) is THAT?
After three years, I still cringe when Daniel yells. Mind you, it's not a matter of him yelling at me. He rarely does that, other than to facilitate long-range communication. It's just yelling at stuff, and considerably less yelling at stuff than I seem to do. But because of personal history... yeah... cringing. But hey, it's down from cringing plus heart-racing panic. So that's a plus.
Teppy, I'm glad you are with The Boy, who does not give you shit for spilling stuff.
But hey, it's down from cringing plus heart-racing panic.
Well, I have a mixed bag, so I tend to yell at myself and not as much at loved ones. I guess my dysfunction is dysfunctional.
I also rage against the universe from time to time.
We've secretly replaced the Bitches' Wednesday morning with Monday Morning Crystals. Let's see if anyone notices.
I got a doctor's appointment for the irritating skin tag under my bra. At least I got in today at 2:30. Going to make the afternoon a little crazy but that's ok.
I also rage against the universe from time to time.
And that makes you different from the rest of us around here, how?
We're all fucked up in our own ways. The best part is that we're around to help each other cope.
We're like the Island of Misfit Toys or something.
No - we're the ok toys, everyone else not us is misfit.
aimee, I think I accidentally gave you my yesterday morning, even the same screaming child stuff. Left the house late and thawed frisco's milk alternating hands while I drove because I forgot to take it out earlier. There was other stuff but it makes me tired to think about it.
It is so very wrong to shine the laser pointer on one cat's tail in full view of the other cat. And yet, I can't stop myself. I am evil.
So, I made that post about Frisco's milk and I look down (Possible TMI)
and my shirt was soaked. Three hours before I normally pump!
The brain is a powerful, powerful thing, Stephanie. I think it was a good three, four years after I weaned Abby before I stopped actually feeling the tingling let down sensation whenever I'd see another woman nursing.