The Jackson 5 and Slavery
please tell me I slept through most of February and March and it's April 1st already.
That's ... crazy. And seems horribly disrespectful.
I've stared and stared at it, and I think that the only way I can understand it is that the Jacksons/whichever Jackson is behind this bright idea is so
self-centred that they really are seeing slavery wholly through the lens of themselves: ie, hey, look, we're a success story! But our ancestors were slaves, which was bad, and we should be sad about that for a few minutes. But look, there's a happy ending! We're rich!
Rather than taking on board that, you know, there was no happy ending for ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WERE MADE SLAVES.
I mean, afaic it's pretty much like building a Disney resort next to Auschwitz. With profound and melancholy theme rides like 'It's a Cruel World After All' demonstrating that this is a
luxury theme park. Because, really - Jackson 5 Memorabilia and merry 70s pop tunes juxtaposed with relics of slavery? In a slave port? Just...head go boom.
I've stared and stared at it, and I think that the only way I can understand it is that the Jacksons/whichever Jackson is behind this bright idea is so wholly self-centred that they really are seeing slavery wholly through the lens of themselves: ie, hey, look, we're a success story! But our ancestors were slaves, which was bad, and we should be sad about that for a few minutes. But look, there's a happy ending! We're rich!
From the article, it seems like it's only Marlon Jackson involved in this. Your explanation seems as good as anything else I can come up with.
I mean, afaic it's pretty much like building a Disney resort next to Auschwitz.
That's kind of how I feel about the torture museums at Medieval Times.
I mean, afaic it's pretty much like building a Disney resort next to Auschwitz. With profound and melancholy theme rides like 'It's a Cruel World After All' demonstrating that this is a sensitive and educational luxury theme park.
::loves Fay's spicy and twisted brains::
Don't know
Medieval Times,
but I'm right with you in theory - we have the same things in London and York, and it does blow my mind. Torture/=HappyFunTimes, people! Also? IT STILL HAPPENS. And yet it's a fun-filled day out for all the family.
People are INSANE.
for clarity
There were no forks in medieval times, so there are no forks at Medieval Times.