So what is the non-chav term for the sweet thing you eat after dinner? (Or should it be supper? Or, anyhow, not tea.)
I adore Scrappy's entire childhood V-Day tradition.
Yay new house! Pictures?
Yay new car!
And I don't actively dislike Valentine's Day; it's just that a checkered romantic history has left me indifferent-to-wary. I'm willing to be won over, though.
And the kid-having definitely helps; my mom always made a big deal out of every holiday, and Valentine's Day always meant a card and a pink or red stuffed animal for each of us, which we found at our places at the kitchen table, which she would set late the night before (weekend V-Days, nice homemade breakfast; weekday V-Days, cereal, but fancy sugar-crusted fruity/marshmallow/fake graham cracker sweet stuff that we usually never got, with five or six boxes lined up on the kitchen table for us to choose from). So this year Matilda got a Winnie the Pooh, which she's been hugging nonstop since then, and Emmett got a Life Is Good t-shirt and some homemade marshmallows (not homemade by me, though).
And Hec got this book.
(((WS))) Brach's with pepper? That's adding insult to injury. Most unfair.
(((Kristin))) Don't clean. Don't organize. Don't fix. Just flump around with furry critters and maybe an old movie or something.