I thought they already said that they were resigned to a non-shelter dog b/c low-allergen dogs are harder to find.
They decided on a shelter dog after there was an outcry about them getting one from a breeder.
Ooops. That's what happens when I never watch the news: I miss the important info about the potential First Dog-Elect.
No, too easy.
Pfft. Not watching the news has made me a much happier human being. Not being subjected to gloom-and-doom "Will This Financial Collapse Be Worse Than The Great Depression? Will You Have To Eat Your Children?" so-called news stories, or "Hey, Look! We're Still In Iraq!" stories makes me much less freaked-out.
If that means I miss a story about a dog, well, it's a fair trade-off in my mind.
"Will This Financial Collapse Be Worse Than The Great Depression? Will You Have To Eat Your Children?"
Not as long as you can catch sea kittens.
(I don't usually watch the news either.)
My personal favorite dog off-leash moment: The time I brought my cat into the vet and someone's dog walked up to her carrier and started to LICK IT.
I immediately moved the carrier and put myself between the dog and my cat, told the dog to step back, and I shot the owner DEATH RAY EYES. And of course the owner was completely appalled at my uncouth behavior and complained that her dog was very nice. I tried to point out that even nice dogs are scary to cats, especially nice dogs who are licking their carriers. The woman then suggested perhaps I shouldn't take my cat to the vet if she doesn't like dogs, because dogs shouldn't be expected to be on a leash at the vet. What. Ever.
Not watching the news has made me a much happier human being.
Dude, so much this. I listen to news. I read news (even the kind that doesn't come from the Onion and/or links in Natter!). I do not watch news, and that descision has saved me at least four of my few remaining brain cells.
I get my news from b.org and The Daily Show. Oh, and NPR. I forgot about NPR.
The woman then suggested perhaps I shouldn't take my cat to the vet if she doesn't like dogs, because dogs shouldn't be expected to be on a leash at the vet. What. Ever.
I'll see your "What. Ever." and raise you a Bull. Shit. Your cat has more right to a non-threatening visit to the vet than her dog has to lick other people's property.
The woman then suggested perhaps I shouldn't take my cat to the vet if she doesn't like dogs, because dogs shouldn't be expected to be on a leash at the vet. What. Ever.
WTF? Taking your dog to a place that is chock full of strange dogs (some of whom are sick and cranky) is a BAD place to have your dog leashed? Um, how does this woman control her dog? She deserves to be bitten. Hard.