I do not recommend that anyone see either Slumdog Millionaire or Revolutionary Road. I thought they were both pretty sad wastes of my time. (But everyone should buy the Slumdog soundtrack, which is MADE OF WIN.)
I can't agree. I saw
yesterday and would totally recommend it. There are times when I thought the pacing was a bit off, but I liked it. And the little kid is adorable. I do agree that the soundtrack was made of win.
After a tad more breakfast I'm going to take care of my most pressing errands, like groceries and car inspection, though not at the same time...
If you still have a green license plate, be aware that the flyers they got about everyone having to trade them in is a lie.
Oh, dude, we're under another blizzard watch? All this precipitation is bringing me down.
All this precipitation is bringing me down.
When you're stuck in a day that's gray and lonely, just stick out your chin and grin, and say, oh the sun'll come out tomorrow. You just gotta hang on 'til tomorrow.
Really, it's just a day away.
"But now that crime has, you know, killed somebody , well...I don't think we should tolerate it any longer."
I've decided that I'm against crime as well. I'm willing to take that stand.
I? Am flabbergasted.
PETA has gone way 'round the bend. They've decided that people eat fish because they're called fish. So to keep people from yanking fish out of the fishy sea and eating their fishy flesh, fish shall from hereon be known as...no shit..."sea kittens".
Hook the crazy here.
Which, perversely, makes me crave seafood all the more.
"Mmmm...fillet of sea kitten in melted butter..."
You're singing show tunes at shrift on a Monday morning? Brave man.
You're singing show tunes at shrift on a Monday morning?
I'm just paraphrasing lyrics. There are limits.
You have a great evil in you, Gudanov. Come closer so that I can remove it with a melon baller.
PETA has gone way 'round the bend.
PETA has been nuts for years. I don't know anyone involved in animal rights who takes them seriously anymore.