I didn't know she spoke at TED! I've got it bookmarked for later viewing.
I just got my new laptop! Also picked up a new printer, BSG Season 4.0, a copy of Spaced to replace my scratched disc, and 50 blank dvds so I can start using my dvd recorder/VCR combo set that I bought last week. Oh, and now I can finally get my first MP3 player working! (I held off until I got the laptop.)
Lots of toys to play with this week.
Astrid would be such a cool name! Imagine Grace as Astrid! It would totally be this awesome ethimix.
Speaking of Grace, today's daily picspam: [link]
Ooh, cool, Hec.
Face kicking is Go!
I think we all learned that from Billy Jack, but the lesson obtains.
"I'm going to take this foot, and kick you in the face right there. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it."
Pretty baby! I love the "yes?" photo--it shows her baby belly, just begging for a face to get rubbed in it and some zerberts to be blown on it!
Did you get the BSG with the book and the dogtags?
No, that was $8 extra. The Best Buy employee who was very nice and got the set for me while I was heading towards the computer section managed to pick that set up for me instead of the basic set I wanted, so I had to do a swap before I got rung up. I couldn't justify paying the extra cash for some promo merchandise--the book was only a paperback that looked to be about 40-50 pages at most.
Hee--for any editors/proofreaders out there!
I am adding that to my desktop tomorrow!
ION, I declare slow cooker test #1 (pot roast) a success. Next up, Boston baked beans and brown bread.
I have a question about Evelyn, actually several.
Eve-lyn? Ee.veh.lyn? Ehv-lyn? Ehv.ah.lyn?
I've heard all the above. Which is preferred?
Also, first 100? I boggle.
I would say EV-eh-len for a girl/woman, EE-veh-len for other things -- Evelyn Waugh, Crabtree and Evelyn.