I am aso bored, on the internet.
I also have come up with a bit of a solution for my mom (who is getting older and is having the issues with her house) and I, but I have no idea how to broach the subject or to get her to agree, because she is so darn protective of her money.
I think we should buy a double house together. She has money saved, plus feels trapped and wants to sell her house. Buying a house in my area, the payment is just a bit more than the rent I pay. She is afraid of the expense of an apartment with just a small reitrement income and social security. I want a house but have no down payment. She lives way out in the country, and is getting less and less able to drive, but has a car. I have no car. She is getting older and I am worried, but cannot really visit because of the no car thing. It is perfectg, but I son't know how to say it without her getting defensive about me mooching off of her. She is really defensive about it because her parents mooched off of her to get the house she was currently living in (they came up with the down payment and she held the mortgage, but she had to live in it like it was their house). That is why I think a double, on a busline is a really great solution. I could pay the mortgage instead of rent. She could pay the downpayment with the proeeds from her house sale, and then not pay rent.