My first class junior year in high school was a science class (marine biology) and we were actually watching Challenger live (probably because of the teacher who was aboard). We were all rapt and quiet with the take-off, and then it blew up. It was surreal. We sat there numb. And then our teacher walked to the front of the class and told us that we could all go home; school for the rest of the day was cancelled. I don't know why they didn't send a counselor or someone to the room (I think we were the only class actually watching the take-off live), but they didn't. And it was just our class that was told to go home early.
I recall very specifically listening to "Eleanor Rigby" again and again on my Walkman walking home.
I very spitefully said (likely just muttered under my breath) that it was a shame we hadn't nominated my algebra teacher. One of the worst things I have EVER said or thought. It still turns my stomach to have snarled that. The stupidest thing is, I liked him mostly so I have no idea what brought on that awfulness. I mean, beyond being 14 and an unfit human because of the 14ness.
I need to make it clear that the Bank of Lisa is closed except in cases of dire emergency/life or death situations.
This. I mean, you are very generous and helpful but, especially knowing what they *are* spending money on, people need to take some responsibility.
Cash, you gotta go all Tough Love on 'em, or you'll just be financing their stupidity and drama.
Cass, wow. I know how you feel, though. The worst thing I ever said to someone was also as a teen in high school. Danica P, a friend from 6th grade who was kinda mousy, made some comment about the restaurant my date had chosen for prom (denigrating the choice). I looked her squarely in the eye and said, "well at least someone asked me to the prom!" She had been snippy but I'd been downright spiteful. I still cringe when I think about it. But, yeah, not exactly wishing death upon her. Still, though, everyone's got shit they wish they hadn't said, right?
Cash, you gotta go all Tough Love on 'em, or you'll just be financing their stupidity and drama.
Oh, yeah.
Thanks for putting up with my venting. My head just goes 'splodey thinking they've got three generations of this bullshit going on. And that I share genes with these people.
Cashmere, I know that you know I can relate. It's not easy cutting the financial strings, but you've got to do it. Hec's right.
And vent all you want!
Vent away, Cashmere.
You always seem to make smart choices. I'm pretty sure you'll continue to.
Still, though, everyone's got shit they wish they hadn't said, right?
Pretty much.
I just wish I hadn't been an outright bitch about something where I'd have to think of it every time there was an anniversary or remembrance. It was *such* a low point. Especially because I liked the guy well enough.
Nothing so cruel as other humans...
Nothing so cruel as other humans...
Aint it the damned truth.