Cash, you gotta go all Tough Love on 'em, or you'll just be financing their stupidity and drama.
Oh, yeah.
Thanks for putting up with my venting. My head just goes 'splodey thinking they've got three generations of this bullshit going on. And that I share genes with these people.
Cashmere, I know that you know I can relate. It's not easy cutting the financial strings, but you've got to do it. Hec's right.
And vent all you want!
Vent away, Cashmere.
You always seem to make smart choices. I'm pretty sure you'll continue to.
Still, though, everyone's got shit they wish they hadn't said, right?
Pretty much.
I just wish I hadn't been an outright bitch about something where I'd have to think of it every time there was an anniversary or remembrance. It was *such* a low point. Especially because I liked the guy well enough.
Nothing so cruel as other humans...
Nothing so cruel as other humans...
Aint it the damned truth.
Ugh Cash, I'm so sorry your family keeps putting you into this tough love position.
I can't recall where I was when I watched the Challenger explode for the first time (perhaps because it was aired so many times in the following weeks), but I have a very clear memory of the gut wrenching feeling of watching it blow up.
I watched the Challenger explosion with the actor who had played Peter Brady. For that extra layer of surreal.
Nothing so cruel as other humans...
And none so harsh a judge as yourself. You know, since the guy never knew.
I watched the WTC collapse with Ed Koch. That was trippy.
I need to make it clear that the Bank of Lisa is closed except in cases of dire emergency/life or death situations.
I think you do. Family and money are weird. My cousins on one side assumed that my immediate family must have borrowed heavily from our grandmother, simply because
did every chance they got. Then they assumed we must be rich because we said we hadn't borrowed money, which we aren't; we simply don't buy things we can't afford, tuck money into savings, and we all work steady jobs.
For some family members, the fact that you don't live beyond your means equals MAGIC RENEWABLE MONEY LENDING TREE.