I was only three for the Apollo 11 landing, so I don't remember it. However, I do remember a few years later going with my mom to a neighbor's house in the middle of the afternoon for something, and they happened to have footage from one of the later landings on the tv while we were talking with the neighbor. I recall the rover on the tv screen, so it was anywhere from Apollo 15-17.
In school, we had to learn the prominent American astronaut names and achievements (Shepherd, first American in space, Glenn, first one to orbit the Earth, Armstrong and Aldrin, first ones on the moon), but I didn't get into the space program as a whole until I saw The Right Stuff in the theaters when I was in high school. I geeked out when I met Al Bean at BookExpo about ten years ago, but not nearly as much as I would have if I had seen From the Earth to the Moon first (his episode is my favorite in the miniseries).
I'll never forget David Andrews playing Frank Borman's testimony before Congress about the Apollo 1 fire. Just awesome.
That was terrific. "Now, let's stop this witch hunt, so we can go to the moon."
I really enjoyed The Dish.
I was spending that summer studying in France. (why our parents let all of us Middle Schoolers go to France for 8 weeks kinda blows my mind now). We all got up to watch it on a tiny TV in the main lounge of the dorms we were staying in in Strasbourg. I remember more the feeling of all of us packed into the room all quietly intent on one small black and white screen than I do the actual images of the landing.
Well, I have now ahem acquired
The Dish
A Walk on the Moon
for my summer viewing pleasure. I'm looking forward to this very much.
I was 12 and at Girl Scout camp in Big Bear. July 20th 1969 was the only time I remember us getting to watch TV in the 3 years I went to camp there. We were all in the dining hall riveted to the set. On the way back to the tent, I remember looking up at the moon and thinking "wow there are guys up there right now". It was very cool.
tommyrot is on a roll this morning with the kick ass links.
I can remember the moon landing, but it also blurs in with all the other moon landings for me. We had a big map of the moon in our den, it covered an entire wall. My mom would put a little marker on the place where each mission landed.
Is it bad to say I am currently glad I don't remember the moon landing (because I wasn't born at the time)? I'm feeling old lately.
I was almost 2 months old at the time. I don't remember it very well.
Aw, flea...take gladness where you can find it!
My older brother spent the moon landing jumping out of his cot and giving himself concussion. You could say he got caught up in the moment.