tommyrot is on a roll this morning with the kick ass links.
I can remember the moon landing, but it also blurs in with all the other moon landings for me. We had a big map of the moon in our den, it covered an entire wall. My mom would put a little marker on the place where each mission landed.
Is it bad to say I am currently glad I don't remember the moon landing (because I wasn't born at the time)? I'm feeling old lately.
I was almost 2 months old at the time. I don't remember it very well.
Aw, flea...take gladness where you can find it!
My older brother spent the moon landing jumping out of his cot and giving himself concussion. You could say he got caught up in the moment.
So, I'm doing apartment searching now. When you fill out an application for an apartment and they ask for your previous landlord's #, what do they ask for? I'm curious because my current landlord is all mad at me and stuff....
I was two months less a day from being born.
5 months old. Do not remember.
I had just turned 3 two weeks before. I definitely remember seeing moon-walk footage, but I'm never sure which one I'm remembering.
I was two months less a day from being born.
We are almost birthday twins. Very Gemini like.